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In the week it had taken them to gather themselves and begin to pack themselves up; she hadn't seen a hint of the Stark Family, much to her wellbeing

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In the week it had taken them to gather themselves and begin to pack themselves up; she hadn't seen a hint of the Stark Family, much to her wellbeing. Rhaenar's hand remained on the hilt of her sword as she began to watch the first of the armies make their way out of the courtyard and to the King's Road.

Her heart pumped in her throat, the sickness settling in her stomach as Tywin stood beside her. "I hope you know I'm keeping you to your word." She muttered, the indigo flickering up to glance at him. "Of looking after my Dothraki and Unsullied, they're family to me."

Tywin's eyes didn't drift as he continued to watch the marching bodies of the Lannisters, and the men that stood either side of the trails of regiments. "They'll be safe, I can assure you of that." She smiled gently, the pair enveloped in silence once more as they gazed out.

"How do you feel on our stance of Cersei? She's your daughter, I know you can't cast aside feelings fully." Rhae would make sure everyone was comfortable before doing this, she didn't need people turning at the most crucial point.

"My daughter has brought shame upon my great House, she has torn this country apart. She may have come from me, but paternal feelings have never been present." Tywin stated cooly, his eyes never flickering as he spoke. "I only ever wanted them to achieve great things, I pushed them for success and this is how they repay me."

"What do you want done with her? Do you want her to become a prisoner? Sentenced to spend the rest of her life at Casterly Rock, or do you want her dead?" He was silent at Rhaenar's words, contemplative.

His stance faltered. "Do whatever, she is of no concern to me." And Tywin left her, reaching for his horse before swinging his leg over its back and pulling himself up, his red cloak falling across the rump. "See you in a few months, Your Grace." Rhae bowed her head, watching as he spurred on the horse before joining his men, looking majestic on top of his horse.

Rhae was left standing in the courtyard as Northmen stared at her awkwardly, cautious gazes thrown as she turned on her heel, and began walking. Half her army was marching south to divert between the Reach, the Westerlands, and the Stormlands. With the Firebornes and the Golden Company taking the sea with the Crownlands. By the turn of noon, they'd be headed for White Harbour, and from White Harbour, Dragonstone. It had filled her with nerves, to say the least, for everyone to split apart and head to different areas of Westeros before meeting in a few months' time.

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