Part viii.

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Rhae sat nervously in her cabin as her hand ran over her lips, the indigo shade storming as the candle flicker gave her just enough light to look at the parchment before her

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Rhae sat nervously in her cabin as her hand ran over her lips, the indigo shade storming as the candle flicker gave her just enough light to look at the parchment before her. It was the only thing that had ever made her question everything to her last bone about herself, about who she was. Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen's daughter.

She had to tell Jon, she knew she had to tell Jon. If he found out any other way... Her head shook, her eyes dropping down as she pursed her lips. Rhae rose from her seat, crossing the small room as a knock rang out from the door. She was surprised, it was late, and since being on the ship, she rarely had visitors.

Her hand fell to the door knob, pulling it open as she twisted. Jon stood behind it, free from his armour as he gazed down at her, an unknown look in his eyes. "Jon?" She asked, confused as to why he had come all this way.

With laboured breathing, he reached forward, clasping Rhae's face before bringing their lips together. It took a moment, shock settling her in place as his lips moved against hers before her hands found his chest and pushed back. "Jon." She muttered before he pulled her back.

She had to stop this, before he regretted it. Rhae pushed more forcefully this time, taking a step back as she shook her head. "No."

It dawned on him as he stepped back what she said, his eyes unable to meet hers. "I'm sorry, I, uh..." He stumbled.

"It's not that." Rhae said, keeping her tone light as she looked at him. "I have something to tell you, will you come in?" She could see the debate inside of him, whether he was willing to walk in through the door after what he'd done, or whether he would reject entirely. "Please?" He weakened, head nodding as he stepped into her little room, the door closing behind him. Jon was still unable to look her in the eyes. "Don't be embarrassed Jon, I'm only trying to help you."

"How?" He asked, chuckling lightly.

"Shortly after I arrived at Dragonstone, an Old Maid came to see me - the same one who dropped me off." Rhae began as she settled against the desk, the indigo looking to him as he stopped a few paces away. "She handed me a letter, the one I spoke about."

He nodded. "I remember."

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