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I know this isn't how it works, but I want this. Also this is part 1 of a double update, the second part will come later

 Also this is part 1 of a double update, the second part will come later

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When Rhae got back to Winterfell, Ser Jorah had been waiting for her, asking for some private time between the pair after he had stumbled upon something. He seemed excited, his blue eyes alight as she shot him a confused look. "What is it, Ser Jorah? I can't remember the last time I saw you so giddy." She teased him softly as she clasped onto his arms, smiling up at him. "It's not to see me is it?" 

He shot her a smile, shaking his head. "I'm afraid not, Khaleesi; but it is something important." He had her intrigued. 

"Do tell, please." 

Jorah paid no mind to her light teasing as he held out his arm to her, offering it so he could lead her through Winterfell. "Do you remember when you banished me a year ago to cure myself of Greyscale?" He asked her, Rhaenar nodded. How could she forget? It hurt her to do such a thing, knowing she may never see him again. "The man that saved me was Samwell; he was a novice at the citadel; scolded for his actions because of how risky the procedure was."

Her brows rose. "Well I am very thankful for this Samwell." She said with a smile. "What made you bring this up?"

Jorah's lips pursed as a grin fell upon his lip. "He's here." Her head turned, her eyes wide. Samwell was here. "I want you to meet him." Meet him? Rhaenar was more than happy to meet him. The honour being all hers to have met the man that saved her close friend. 

"Of course, of course." She uttered with a smile, letting him lead her to where they needed to be.

"I didn't realise he was here, until I was in the library. It was a shock." Rhaenar was sure it was as they reached the library doors, Jorah opening them for her. It was dim, scrolls having sat upon tables as long bookshelves lined the side. Her eyes turned down every corridor, wondering where he was before Jorah motioned to a lit desk, a man sat over it.

He looked bookish, at home over the parchment he was reading as his quill scratched against it; short dark hair threatening his eyes. Rhaenar looked to Jorah, who smiled at her. It was silent, Samwell not having noticed them as she cleared her throat, a smile upon her lips. He watched her, eyes widening as their gazes met before shuffling up, standing.

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