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She didn't agree with Dothraki techniques, that much she knew. They were monsters to witness, burning villages, raping women, and slaughtering men. Rhaenar couldn't watch it, she couldn't face it. The smell of death in the air, the screams of terrified women, and Dothraki orders to carry out these acts. How could she stand beside this? This isn't how you win a throne, this is how you lose it.

Daenerys's hand quivered inside hers, the older sister bringing her close to her body. "What did they do? Why do they act like this?" She asked Jorah, stepping through the ruins of a once beautiful village.

"Lamb men make good slaves. Khal Drogo will make a gift of them to the slavers, and the slavers will give us gold, and silk, and steel." Rakharo answered for his Khaleesi, knowing the way of his people. She saw the dead be looted, women tied to posts as Dothraki men laughed at them. She couldn't turn a blind eye to this.

"I thought the Dothraki didn't believe in money, they hold no currency." A child met her eye, his dark gaze one of disgust for the Khaleesi.

"Gold to hire ships, Princess, ships to sail to Westeros." She didn't want it done this way, there were thousands of ways better than this to get the money. Brutality wouldn't ever be Rhaenar's way, she was better than those who had come before her - but she knew she had to tread carefully, these were Dothraki ways.

They came to a stop, their eyes falling upon women being manhandled, thrown into a cordoned off area. Her Dothraki soldiers were gripping them by the hair, whipping them with sticks. "Jorah, make them stop." She couldn't look away.

"Khaleesi?" He questioned, knowing his limitations.

"You heard me." She urged, wanting some sort of respect given to these people.

She could see the man begin to climb upon the woman. "These men have shed blood for their Khal. Now they claim their rewards." What reward was this? What joy was rape? She'd hire a thousand whores if sex was their reward, just so scenes like this would never be seen again.

"She is a lamb girl, Khaleesi. The riders do her honour. If her wailing offends the Khaleesi, I will bring you her tongue."

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