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I'm just going to do a little warning for the next few chapters, this is going to be the Long Night that I anticipated mixed with the one we get. I expected to lose half the cast - like the main characters we adored, a little like Russian roulette really. So :) 

Rhaenar sat back in the chair as Missandei worked upon her braids, no smile on her lips as the pale strands wove through delicate fingers

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Rhaenar sat back in the chair as Missandei worked upon her braids, no smile on her lips as the pale strands wove through delicate fingers. "It's been a long time since you asked me to do this." She noted, securing one of the ends with the others.

"I want to spend time with you in case I don't make it through, that I abandon you on this forsaken island." Missandei most likely wanted to be with Torgo, and she could join him once Rhae made sure she would be okay.

Her lip quirked up, her mousey face shaking as their eyes met through the mirror. "You'll make it through, I have faith in you." Rhae's eyes glanced down to her hands. She had changed so much here, almost neglecting those that came with her, despite desperately trying to make them feel welcomed, and loved.

"You don't like it here, do you?" The hands stopped for a moment before resuming, Missandei's face taking on a contemplative look to it as her thick brows furrowed.

"It's a hard place, Your Grace. But I'm not alone in my thoughts, you seem to share them." Slowly Rhae was, despite how much she had loved it up here when she first arrived, she just didn't think she could ever win over the Northerners. "Why do they insult us?"

Rhae's head shook, unsure on what to tell Missandei. "It's who they are, they've been hurt." Just like everyone else had in the Kingdom, but the Northern were stubborn. "Don't take it personally, please, Missandei. You are a gem even if they don't want to see it." She let a smile raise at the corner of her lips, picking up the braid once more as she pulled it towards the back of the head.

"As are you." She whispered, pressing a kiss to Rhae's cheek. Her cheeks flushed at the affection, smiling softly.

Patting Missandei's hand, she wanted to get off the topic of their issues here, and focus on something happier. "How is your upcoming trip to Naath? Have you spoken with Torgo about it?" A glint took to her dark eyes, her smile turning softer as her cheeks grew warm.

"He too wants to move, with the Unsullied." She couldn't help the squeal that left her lips at the news, at her two friends being able to cross the sea and find themselves a home.

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