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It was the day of the ceremony, to set forth her strength in front of the Dosh Khaleen by eating a Stallion's heart

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It was the day of the ceremony, to set forth her strength in front of the Dosh Khaleen by eating a Stallion's heart. She was nervous, her hands locking onto Drogo's as they entered; bloodriders, Kos, and the highest ranked members being the only ones to enter. They were to read the omens to determine the future of their son, to see if he would grow powerful. Drogo helped her onto the stage, before taking his seat opposite, making sure his wife would be in his sight at all time.

The Dosh Khaleen stood around her, before the leader came up, passing her a heart. It was huge, taking the space of both of her hands, oozing blood. Rhaenar's eyes met Drogo's who nodded, letting her know it was okay. The crowd around her started chanting as she bit into it, tough muscle and blood slipping across her tongue.

She cringed internally, hiding her disgust at the taste of it from those in front of her. She had to get through this, she had to eat it all. She could feel the red coating at her lips, dribbling down her chin and to her front; her hands no better.

'As swift as the wind he rides, and behind him his khalasar covers the earth, men without number, with arakhs shining in their hands like blades of razor grass. Fierce as a storm this prince will be. His enemies will tremble before him, and their wives will weep tears of blood and rend their flesh in grief. The bells in his hair will sing his coming, and the milk men in the stone tents will fear his name. The prince is riding, and he shall be the stallion who mounts the world'

Rhaenar could hear them chanting over and over again, the same good faith for her son as she swallowed the bits of heart. She was going to get through this, she thought as her teeth dug into the flesh, ripping it free. There was no good taste in her mouth, her stomach threatening to cramp as she forced more down her throat.

Her indigo eyes met her husband's once more, pride swirling through the entirety of his face as he watched his Khaleesi; everyone had doubted him for his choice, but in this moment she was proving them wrong. She could see the last few bites she had to take, but her stomach wasn't going to take it.

Rhaenar placed it in quickly, chewing faster and faster before swallowing. Her stomach rolled, heaving up as she fell. The chanting around her stopped suddenly, her hand clasping over her mouth. Keep it down, she wielded herself; keep it down. Drogo looked on worried, but Rhaenar kept still.

She wasn't going to move unless her stomach stopped rolling; all it took was a moment. She cried out quietly, the sound of her stomach churning filling her ears. She swept back her hair, closing her eyes.

She needed to sit up, her hands falling to the floor before pushing lightly, her body resting back on her feet for a moment. She swallowed once more, her eyes meeting Drogo's. His smile was heartwarming, filled with love and care as it was his wife that fulfilled the prophecy.

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