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"You're cruel, do you know that?" Aegon muttered as he stood beside her, the midnight blue dancing with mirth as they gazed over the empty field, her indigo eyes searching the horizon. They had flown for the better half of the evening, the sun threatening to sink below the ground as they glanced around them. They must have made it halfway across Westeros by now, Rhaenar sure that she was close to Highgarden as the field had turned from wide spaces to orchards of apples, and fields of golden wheat.

They'd left in a hurry, before anyone could convince her differently as she barked orders at the men to get the dragons ready in their armour, and for Rhaenar's own armour to be brought to her. The use of the seat had proved their ride to be smoother, far more safer than when the dragons were out of it - they just had to be mindful of the exposed areas.

The Dothraki were to meet them at Highgarden in a day's time, after Aegon and Rhaenar had met with Tywin if they could find him - they just had to hope the Golden Company could hold off the Lannister forces until then. It was risky to get most of her army here, but a large number of the Dothraki remained at Dragonstone with Missandei and her Queensguard if an attack was to be launched upon the stronghold.

She could barely keep her anger inside of her as Tyrion told her this was the wrong thing to do. Rhae glanced over, raising a brow. "It's hardly cruel, Aegon. He's almost cost us our Westerosi allies." She stated, finding her thumb rubbing against the top of her hand. "He has to learn that his mistakes will cost him, I can't be weak and let things slide otherwise we'll continue on with this pattern." Rhae said defensively.

Aegon stared down, pursing his lips as he jerked his head. "That's one way to put it. But I didn't mean with Tyrion, I meant with the others... It's strange, they've been in your service for so long, that as soon as you've returned to Westeros they think you're someone else - they should know just by your actions that you aren't going to burn people, that the dragons can be used as something other than their fire."

Her eyes flickered to him, her head nodding. "We know I'm under the scrutiny of harsh critics here, I won't be the same person I was in Meereen because we're at war. But my position hasn't changed, I won't be killing innocents. It's why I originally agreed with Tyrion's plan." He just hoped that the world would see that, and they wouldn't take her for being weak or rash. "Do you think we're close at least?"

It was a feeble attempt to change the conversation but Aegon let it slide, his head turning. "Not long, another hour or so before we land." Rhaenar nodded, bringing her lip between her teeth. It would be a race against the sun, safety only coming in the form of the Unsullied camp where they would be hidden from the open field. Perhaps they would have to reach the coast, the letter had said Tywin had made a stop there to give the men a break, but she hoped they would have started to advance on Highgarden. "What do you think we should expect?"

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