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Rhaenar had many things to discuss with her advisors as she took hurried steps across Dragonstone, her gaze narrow as her boots clicked beneath her

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Rhaenar had many things to discuss with her advisors as she took hurried steps across Dragonstone, her gaze narrow as her boots clicked beneath her. Highgarden had been a success, but it had also been a great fail. She'd gained men, but lost Olenna - a Woman who was harsh in her word, strong in her wits, and powerful in her step. She was a Queen to be inspired by, to admire, and Rhaenar had let her die at Jaime Lannister's hand. Rhaenar could only hope that there was an element to it that let Olenna decide her own fate, that she gave one last fuck you to Jaime before dying.

It weighed her shoulders down, the indigo turning shades darker at the more thought of Olenna. Rhaenar was no holy woman by anyone's books, she wasn't raised on one religion but many; yet still, she prayed that Olenna had found peace with her grandchildren and her son, the family stripped from the world too soon. Their deaths may have worked in her favour, but by no means would Rhaenar have wished it upon Mace, Margaery, and Loras - even less so on Willas who had faced the brunt of the actions.

Her hand pressed on the door, pushing it open before facing her advisors. Almost everyone was here bar Tywin, Harry and his Commanders, and the Unsullied. It was full as she squeezed herself through, the hushed silence making the hair raise on her neck as she made her way to the North, sitting down in the chair with Aegon beside her, and Jorah to her left.

"Hello everyone." She greeted with a demure smile, her eyes drifting over them all to ensure they were all acknowledged. Tyrion sat opposite her, with Varys beside him; Ser Barristan, Meria, and Missandei to one side; with Qotho and Shaqafi to the other, all eyes turned to her. "I'm sure you've heard whispers of Highgarden by now, of our success in the battlefield."

Tyrion nodded, smiling. "With your kindness, a House has been saved from extinction, and we have more men than before in the Reach willing to fight." That was great news, she decided, nodding her head.

"Yes, we will be working closely with Willas, who is our new Lord of Highgarden, to ensure the safety of his county, and that the losses they have faced will be remedied. In return, he will continue to supply us with the grain we need - the deal we took with Olenna." Rhaenar spoke, shuffling in her chair. "It is also, with a heavy heart, that I announce the death of Lady Olenna."

She could see the remorse, the drift of eyes finding the table at the news. Olenna hadn't only inspired admiration from Rhaenar, but from her advisors who had all known the woman - some longer than others. "She is being laid to rest in the Sept at Highgarden, the Golden Company that aren't in King's Landing will attend in our honour."

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