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This has been one of my favourite chapters to write so far.

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The wound was healing, she thought gazing at the wound on his chest, her fingers prodding it lightly. It wasn't angry or red, but pink, the stitches ready to be pulled out. She smiled at him, holding the scissors to the thread before snipping. "I told you you'll survive." She whispered, tugging the threads out of his skin.

"I think it's because you nursed me back to health." Drogo muttered, entranced by the concentration on her face as she worked on the wound.

A smile cracked on her lips, her head shaking. "Unlikely." He reached up, cupping her cheek with a delicate hand. "All your son wants to do today is kick me." Rhaenar muttered, grasping his hand and settling it on part of her stomach where the kicks were soft flutters.

His large hand fell over most of it, but were his palm settled, he could feel it. The sat in silence for a moment, smiles stretched on both of their faces at their son. His son was strong, he thought, each kick a reminder he was there. "Shows he's a fighter." Drogo mused, pride welling in his chest.

"Could he not kick me, I think my body is going through enough." She had been forced to deal with the morning sickness and tender breasts - something that she knew was coming along, but she didn't expect the back pain, or the tiredness, or the headaches.

She wished she had some form of mother here, to guide her along. She didn't even know her mother, knew nothing about her besides giving her up to the Dragon Queen who accepted her as her own. Rhaella deserves to be remembered for the kindness that she did, not because she was married to a monster of a man.

"He'll be worth it." Drogo explained, leaning further back onto the bed. "Are you seeing Quouo and the girls today?"

Rhaenar shook her head. "No, Quouo is visiting her mother today." Quouo was proving to be a good friend, someone worthy of keeping around. The two sat in silence for a moment, before Rhaenar climbed from the bed, standing to one side as she straightened out her dress. "But I will be visiting the lamb women; Daenerys tells me they've become a great asset to the Khalasar."

The happiness that had been sitting in Drogo's dissipated slightly, a frown forming across his face. "I don't trust those lamb women."

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