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This was originally supposed to be two chapters, but it felt better as one. 

Please read the Part vii chapter when it comes out. 

Rhaenar had been beating around the bush enough, that with only a day left until they would begin their journey across the Narrow Sea, she should visit Mero

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Rhaenar had been beating around the bush enough, that with only a day left until they would begin their journey across the Narrow Sea, she should visit Mero. Her walk was a solemn one, a quiet contemplation having settled across her features as she made the short journey from the Great Pyramid to the Temple of Graces. The world seemed to be tinged in that little bit of sadness, as though everything didn't shine as bright.

But she could feel the warmth of the morning sun on her face, the crispness of the winds of the night fading away into the hot dry air, and the love that the rays of the sun brought. Early morning was a blessing, a welcome of a new day as those who tended to stalls or shops began to set up; some whipping rugs through the air, as others shouted at partners to move the furniture out. Rhae smiled, slipping through them unnoticed as she kept her hair covered, and walked up into the temple.

It was beautiful, the tall Temple holding domed ceilings and fresco paintings inside of the domes; with wide arches looking out onto all areas of the city. On one side, a sunrise, the rich orange tones rising along one wall before meeting in the centre for a detailed sun and moon, and then slipping back into twilight on the other side. The floor was heavily decorated in a Mosaic, perfectly cut and placed pieces of tile in the same shades that were above her.

Rhaenar gasped, turning to see three pools of crystal blue water, bowls holding candles floated amongst rose petals, marble graves settling within the water. She kept walking through, bringing herself to the end where the largest of the marble graves sat, the freshness in the white already letting her know who was buried inside.

It was difficult, thinking that her Mero was laid there and that he wasn't just away somewhere, fighting someone. She pressed her hand along the cool stone, feeling the ridges of the engraving that sat on top. At least he was laid somewhere as beautiful as this, not only having the views but the ornateness of the Temple itself. Rhaenar felt calmer, just by the presence of it alone. "You silly fool." She whispered, her voice barely carrying above the silence. "You didn't deserve to be here, you deserved to be crossing the sea with me."

Rhae refused to cry, she had to be strong. "I'm so angry at you, but I know it wasn't your fault." She shouldn't have distracted him, she should have seen the Harpy. But Rhae was better than blaming herself, she knew that that wasn't what Mero would have wanted for her.

She knew what he wanted for her. "We done it; we're ready to cross the Narrow Sea. We've got the ships, the army, the allies. All we have to do now is cross." Rhae told him. "You would be so proud if you were here, I can practically see the smile on your face." She chuckled to herself. Mero would have grabbed her, made her look over it all for a moment to purely take it in. "But, I have to leave you here, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to return to see you."

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