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The stress had really begun to take a toll on her as she dismounted Leirion upon shaky legs, her knees knocking as they barely held her up

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The stress had really begun to take a toll on her as she dismounted Leirion upon shaky legs, her knees knocking as they barely held her up. Three things she had cared about, she had lost today. First Jon, who only recently she had found out was her brother; the second was Aegon, who had grown to be like her left arm; and finally, Viserion, her little baby. She'd aged ten years just on the flight back to the wall, relief filling her as she saw the little castle that ran the length of the ice.

Leirion settled down, the others climbing down as the small gate rose up, a small group of men in dark cloaks running out. Her boots found the ice, her hand falling to Jorah's as he held on, guiding her. The group watched with hesitant eyes as she buckled, Jorah just catching her in time. "You need to rest." He told her, shaking his head.

How could she rest after that? How could she leave them there? Perhaps she should go back. Rhae went to turn, her legs buckling again as Jorah shook his head, concern filling him at the sight. "I can't, I need to..." Rhaenar wobbled. Maybe she couldn't go back, but she needed to see if they could return. It would at least give her something to focus on, other than... Se didn't want to think it, but the flash of the speared neck, the hot blood splashing her face. Rhae shivered. "I need to go up to the wall." She huffed out, eyes unfocusing on the distance as Leirion took to the air once more, leaving her on the snowy ground. "Please..." Rhae begged him. 

"Your face, you're covered..." They were all covered in splashes of red; some more like splodges of dark brown against the dark furs and leather but upon her own white fur, it still held the vivid colour. 

She hummed, the indigo dragging to look away. "I can't... I need to see them come back." Jorah nodded, obliging as he swooped her from the ice, easing the strain on her body as he took her up into his arms.

"How long have you been like this?" He asked, wondering where the fire had gone from inside of her and where the tiredness had settle within her features. 

Rhae shook her head, leaning into his chest as sleep threatened her. "Not long." A week at most if she was lying to herself; but the slow bubble of tiredness had sat within her since the fighting pits, since the need to prove herself to everyone but herself. 

"Do you not think you need rest? Look at you." He urged, but Rhaenar didn't want to listen. She wanted to get up there, to see them come back. How could she have just left them there? But Jorah couldn't see the struggle, the inner fight as indigo fought against closed lids. He only saw the gauntness of her features, the dark bags and thin cheeks; her skin was pale, almost paper thin with smudges of blood. Rhaenar must have flown all night to get there, but those dark circles were more than a night of no sleep.

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