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I would like to apologise in advance for this entire piece of writing. Also, it's a little spicy at the beginning.

She found herself in a state of bliss, her eyes blinking lazily as she glanced at the moon from the open balcony, the white rays illuminating the two around her

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She found herself in a state of bliss, her eyes blinking lazily as she glanced at the moon from the open balcony, the white rays illuminating the two around her. Rhaenar hadn't felt this at peace in a while, Oberyn's knuckles brushing her spine as his breathing settled her, goosebumps erupting along the love bitten skin. Mero was asleep in front of her, his arm locking her into place, finding its home on Oberyn's hip as sweat still coated his brow.

It had been a mess of one on top before the other, hands greedily snaking along skin before locking onto parts that would bring them to their knees. Rhaenar would smile down at whoever she was on top of, nails digging into their chest as she daringly ran her nose along theirs, never allowing their lips to meet. Oberyn would always enjoy the teasing, knowing what areas to touch or how to move his hips to pay her back; leaving them both in a moaning mess as their bodies quivered with one another's.

Mero hated the teasing, his hands harshly gripping her hips before throwing her down, pouncing upon her like a lion would. He had been the harsher of the two boys, the tips of his fingers leaving bruising along the hips and neck. And when Rhaenar needed a moment of rest, the boys descended upon each other, bodies moving against each other as their limbs tangled, lips meeting sloppily; she hadn't seen something as beautifully raw as they were in that moment.

Then, they came together as three, one guiding the other as they welcomed each other to their bodies once more; lips locking from one set to another before meeting together, three tongues dancing messily. She had been cushioned between their bodies as Oberyn guided her hips as she clenched around Mero, and Mero toying with her as she then joined with Oberyn. Handprints skirted along the curve over her ass, fingerprints dusting along her back and hickies graced themselves on her neck.

Rhaenar never wanted to leave this place, her little bit of happiness on the edge of the world. Finally, she could breathe; the two seeing her for what she was. "Stop thinking so hard." Oberyn whispered, his lips brushing the edge of her ear as she closed her eyes, focusing on him. His lips moved across the curve of her neck, past the bruised skin of too harsher kisses, and onto red shoulders. "You need to sleep." The heat from his whispered words snaking into the skin.

Rhaenar smirked. "It doesn't seem as though you wish to sleep."

He chuckled lowly, a jolt straight through her torso at the sound. "I can fuck you all day, don't underestimate me." She smiled, shaking her head. They had only just stopped, she needed a moment to collect herself at least, her heartbeat thumping in her chest. Somehow she had two dangerous men in her bed, both willing to do whatever she pleased. This was a new kind of power altogether. "How did it go with Tyrion?"

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