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I did not expect that response for last chapter! I'm gonna apologise now because this is like a little salt in the wound.  Little smutty at the end. 

Rhaenar found herself later in the day, alone in her private chambers; the silence hovering around her as she looked to her room, her eyes falling on a vase

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Rhaenar found herself later in the day, alone in her private chambers; the silence hovering around her as she looked to her room, her eyes falling on a vase. She had held it in all day, the anger that had been brewing since she saw Daario, and now she needed to find her release. She grasped it, feeling the smooth, cool glass beneath her fingertips before throwing it; the force smashing it against the wall, falling in a thousand tiny pieces.

She screamed, grasping another before throwing it in the same direction; falling to the floor as the glass had done. Rhaenar had done everything, everything she possibly could to keep Dany safe, to keep her protected! She'd let her fall in love with anyone she wanted, but this was a step too far for her to see. Babies were a dangerous subject with Rhae, losing her own, never having even seen his face. She knew when he was born he had the thickest dark hair that Drogo had ever seen on a newborn, but nestled beneath it all was a single stripe of pale white.

She didn't see his face, or the strength that no doubt had been within him; she had only ever felt him. It made her angry, knowing Daenerys would deal with black magic; Rhaenar had lost everything because of it. And now? She had to watch Daenerys go through all of that; she would get to hold her baby, care for him, soothe him when he cries. Rhaenar had always thought she'd be able to avoid it, that Daenerys would at least wait until she'd gotten the throne before starting a family.

Rhaenar hovered, her breathing laboured as she blinked, looking around. She was angry, furious as she pushed on the table, sending it flying over. The Unsullied guarding the door ran in, watching her with spears raised as their eyes trailed the room for the perpetrator. "Are you okay Khaleesi?"

She nodded. "Fine. Everything's fine." She muttered, desperate to reign herself in so she didn't lash out at them. That's the last thing she wanted, taking it out on people who didn't deserve it. They straightened, lowering the spears to look at her, her back turned to them. "You can go, I'll be fine." She called over her shoulder.

They didn't look fully convinced as they looked at one another before leaving, going back to standing by the door, conversing lowly between themselves. No matter how many things Rhaenar threw or vases she broke, it wouldn't heal that hole in her heart. She sat amongst the mess, face buried within the soft material of her dress as hot trails of tears made themselves known on her cheeks. Her fingers not bothering to swipe them as she wrapped her arms around herself.

She wanted her son back, she just wanted to meet him - just once. Rhaenar didn't think that was an unfair request. Soft thumps came from the roof of her room, a squawk rippling in the night's air. Rhae turned, seeing Leirion stare at her from the edge, his claws just about gripping on. He'd grown large in his time here, so much bigger than he was a few weeks ago with a certain softness in his white eyes. Rhae scrambled up, approaching him. These were her children now, and she was thankful for that but it didn't mean she wouldn't miss her human son any less. "What are you doing, my baby?" She whispered softly, bringing her forehead to his, her eyes closing.

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