Ending c.

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She had done it, she had sat on the Throne

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She had done it, she had sat on the Throne. But the cost of it... Rhaenar's hand touched at her side, her hand quivering as she pulled it back. Warm, thick blood coated her fingers, staining the pale flesh in the viscous film as she swallowed deeply; it was her own. Rhaenar cried out, the fear consuming her body as she reached down again, just to be sure.

A choke sob left her lips at the sight, gazing over the empty throne room as her hand shook. In a world where she strived for unity, she was to die alone. The first tear slipped down her cheek, followed by another as her head sank back, begging her to breath. She had made it, she had sacrificed everything to be here, and finally she gave the very last thing she could - her life. Another sob slipped from her, knowing there was no recovery from this.

The North used her, Jon Snow used her, and Cersei used her. The advisors she had put around her friends with death, Oberyn had abandoned her, and Aegon in a state of limbo. Who loved her anymore? She didn't know. They thought her insane.

For so long she had fought the battle for people not to think she was mad, and for so long people never listened. They turned on her like a pack of wolves, Westeros not the place she thought it was. How many had she left behind? How many had she sacrificed for them? Countless, and this was the thanks she got.

The indigo swept down, taking sight of the wound. It had seeped over the chair now, staining the metal as it began to pool; her head feeling woozy. It wouldn't be long, then it would all end for her. No more heartbreak, no more pain. Nothing. She could be with the ones she loves the most. "Out of all the ways to go, I didn't expect it to be like this, Peach." A voice called from beside her, her body jerking at the sound.

A smile stretched across her lips. She knew that voice anywhere, Rhaenar had heard it in her dreams enough; she'd craved to hear it one last time. Slow fingers reached out, collecting at the pool of water as she laughed, opening the indigo. Mero perched before her, a hand landing on her knee as his wide smile grinned up to her. "We weren't supposed to meet for a long time; but those bastards ruined you." He uttered so softly, collecting the last of her tears. "I'd ruin them all if I was there, no one hurts my baby."

Rhaenar giggled, reaching forward to grasp hold of the side of his face. It had been so long since she had felt the warmth in her hands, the soft skin, and the deep scar that ran over his eye. Gods, had she missed him; her memory never having done him justice as her eyes greedily drank him in. "I missed you." She muttered breathlessly, in awe of the sight of him before her.

"I missed you." He whispered back, grinning. "There's so much I want to talk about with you, Peach." Rhae just laughed, watching as he stood before he pulled her up and into his arms. This was home, this was the filled hole in her heart, the man that kept her in warmth. She reached up, content with just holding his cheeks and giggling at him.

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