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Double updates (like yesterday's) are probably going to become more popular, so please keep an eye out if that's okay! Just so you don't skip and chapter and it gets ruined for you. I'll try post them at different times, so there's a chance of catching both. ❤️

Rhaenar had never seen a sight so grand as she sat upon her horse, a smile lighting her face as her brother rode beside her

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Rhaenar had never seen a sight so grand as she sat upon her horse, a smile lighting her face as her brother rode beside her. As far as the eye could see, from every distance and angle that her vision could gaze upon; men were making their way to Winterfell. Their armour of every colour and style, their banners fluttering in the wind conveying every image from a bird to a fish to mountains to hands; their footsteps were becoming one, like a thunder rippling across the land.

Never before had she seen this, one nation combined together to fight a common enemy. It filled her with awe and wonder, of a hope as her indigo eyes tried to take in all of it. Her Unsullied were marching around them, in their ranks as their black armour stood out against the white snow. From what Rhaenar had seen from the North so far, she had never seen something so beautiful.

She wanted to slip from her horse, to feel the snow crunch beneath her boots, to experience what it was like walking the muddy streets surrounded by those that lived there. Rhaenar's heart pumped faster as a wave of excitement washed over her. "How do you ever leave a place like this?" She questioned him, turning her face slightly to watch him.

"You don't." He teased, spurring his horse on. People had lined the streets to watch the soldiers arrive at Winterfell, cramming into every window or alley, or standing just outside their doors with baskets in hand. There were no smiles, only questionable gazes as their eyes followed after them. Rhaenar knew she couldn't let it get to her, that she wouldn't be welcomed with warmth, but she hoped for something better than distaste. "I warned you. Northerners don't much trust outsiders."

Rhae turned, pursing her lips as her brows turned up slightly. "Will it always be this way?" She asked softly, vulnerability filling her tone.

"They'll come around, they just don't know you yet." And they wouldn't know her for a long time, no one would. Jon and herself had agreed to keep it a secret until the dust had settled, and that's what she was going to do. "I know you've got Northern blood, that you bleed the same as us; but you're still an outsider." He tried to ease, but it didn't make her feel much better as she nodded.

"There's no way to get them to warm up to me faster?" If she could do what she needed to, she would. She wanted the North to feel like they belonged, that they weren't isolated up here.

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