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It was in the cool, pre-dawn mornings that she found her rest; her eyes sealed shut as she angled her head up, feeling the brisk winds dance across her features. Rhaenar had found herself settled on the balcony often, her hands flat against the stone, the unbraided mane tickling behind her. Her mind was the clearest out here, her emotions the calmest that they've been for awhile as she just breathed.

Smoke still sat heavy in the air, but the gentle wisps didn't bother her as much now, they just helped to keep her calm, reminding her of Leirion and her babies. It still baffled her that at any moment, she could climb upon her dragon and ride as far as the eye could see. Rhaenar could be in Yi Ti or the Summer Islands, it didn't matter, there were no restrictions. The whole world would be hers for the taking, Rhae would just need the desire to take it.

Meereen and the free cities had finally settled down, the Dothraki having rushed in to kill the last of the Harpy at the gates, and the Golden Company ending any that dared to walk her streets. And, last night, a new Captain had risen from the ranks of the Second Sons. Everything seemed to be fine, no issues having arised. Rhaenar and the others were free to do as they wished.

A knock sounded from behind her, Rhae turning to look at the one who entered. "Forgive me, Your Grace; I know it is early." Missandei said as she came in, a demure smile upon her face.

Rhae shook her head. "No, please; don't apologise."

"I see that you're up." Missandei walked further into the room, approaching the Queen on her balcony. "I thought I would come in to see how you are, you've been so busy that we haven't had a chance to catch up."

Guilt filled her, the indigo staring in shame as she nodded. "I am sorry, Missandei. Everything's been such a whirlwind." The girl smiled, reaching out to place her hand on top of Rhae's outstretched one, feeling the heat sink into her palm as she squeezed. They didn't need to talk as they gazed out, seeing the splendour of the city below. "How are you? How did you feel about the Masters?"

"I feel better knowing that the Sons of the Harpy are no longer wandering the streets, and that the Masters will never be Masters again." Rhaenar hoped that that was a comfort to many who had lived their lives in chains. That they will remain free until their dying day.

"None of this could have been possible without Grey Worm and yourself, you've played such a large part of all of this that I hope you are proud of yourselves like I am proud of you." Rhae turned her hand, squeezing Missandei's softly. If Rhaenar had never had the insight of what life was like for the both of them, she probably would have messed up along the way; creating more of a mess than just the Sons of Harpy.

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