Part vii.

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Indigo dropped down, falling onto the red in her hair and across the leather; even on her hands

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Indigo dropped down, falling onto the red in her hair and across the leather; even on her hands. She cried out again, jumping. "I- I- I don't know. It- It had to be done."

Oberyn moved closer to the fallen figure, careful on his approach as he bent beside her. "You didn't have to do this yourself, gods!" Warm hands locked around her wrist, tugging her up and from the body. She'd left Daemon motherless. "Do you think you can get yourself clean? We're leaving soon, and no one can see you like that."

Rhaenar stumbled, Oberyn desperate to pull her away. He couldn't let her see it, if she saw it she would forever be scarred. "Obe." No, she couldn't; it was foolish of him to think that as he quickly swept her up into his arms, moving fast from the room as he swiped the blade up to. Dark eyes darted the halls as he focused on trying to find a familiar face.

Harry turned a corner. "Harry!" He cried out, drawing the man's attention to him as he lifted it from a book.


"There's a situation in the Throne Room, no one is to enter, do you understand? It needs to be cleaned, now." The mousey brown in Harry's eyes fell onto the Queen, widening at the sight as the situation became apparent. The panic rose not just in Harry or Oberyn, but in the quiet numbness that had overtaken Rhaenar.

She'd murdered her sister because she hadn't done as she wanted, because Daenerys had risked her life. Pushing open the door to Rhaenar's private chambers, he shouted quickly for a bath before setting her down on the side. Her hands shook, eyes blown wide as she gazed out. "Listen to me." He grasped her hands, drawing her withered attention to him. "No one will know what happened in that Throne Room, no one. Not Ser Barristan, not Tyrion. Just you, me, and Harry; okay?"

Her voice cracked. "I will know." The weight would hang heavy, the first person she had ever killed and it was her sister. "I killed her Oberyn, I sentenced her to die."

Oberyn shook his head, desperate to get her to see sense. "You've been pressured to do it, I know. If it wasn't Mero, it was me, or it was any of the others that knew what she'd done. Do not blame yourself for the pressures that built in her." His finger gently pushed into her temple.

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