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Just a little warning that some of the chapter contains themes of religion; mostly the Seven religion, but it mimics Christianity in a way. If you are uncomfortable with that or it conflicts against your own views, please skip it. It's not there for long, so you should be in the clear and get a rough gist of what they spoke about after it's finished or just drop a comment and I can tell you. I hope that's okay!

Rhaenar and Aegon had taken an alternative route to the one they had originally planned as they crossed the open sea, taking their time as they trailed alongside the ships from White Harbour to Dragonstone

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Rhaenar and Aegon had taken an alternative route to the one they had originally planned as they crossed the open sea, taking their time as they trailed alongside the ships from White Harbour to Dragonstone. Aegon had urged the ships to go further from the land, his stature tense as he flew on top of Rhaenys, keeping Rhaenar and Rhaegal further from the shores as he flew the closest.

He wouldn't explain why, but Rhaenar let him do what he needed if it helped him feel better. After a week of flying, they could see Dragonstone in the distance, the sharp fortress growing closer with every beat of their wings. A smile took to her face as she spied home, her heart soaring as she turned to Aegon.

The ships sat below them, bobbing along as they split the sea with their hulls, white foam erupting around them. It had been fairly easy, Rhaenar and Aegon able to scout the view from above in sight of any oncoming fleets, and the boats following their course. It had taken them a little longer than usual because of the change, but it was better to be safe than sorry. "Race you back?" She cried out to him as she glanced over, grinning at Aegon as he clung tight to Rhaenys.

"Are you sure you want to race against us? Rhaenys may be small, but she's fast." He teased, smiling from ear to ear as he sat higher on her, his hands still locked around her horns.

"We can take them, can't we baby boy?" She called out to Leirion, reaching forward to pat against his neck. Leirion's spines shimmered in response, the black flesh moving like sails in the wind. Rhae smirked over to Aegon, before smoothing herself against Leirion, the dragon beneath her taking a large flap of his wings before pushing forward.

Aegon's mouth dropped. "Hey!" He cried out at the cheating move, pressing himself to Rhaenys as she chased after him, Rhaegal hot on their heels. Rhaenar laughed at the protest, the sound carrying through the wind as she let it muse at the braids, fluttering them in all directions, soaring past her face.

The three dragons took it in turns as they gained on one another, Rhaegal doing well considering how injured he was from the fight in the North. She kept her indigo eyes on him, watching for any discomfort as he pushed himself, desperate to gain the speed on the other two as he took the lead, the ships long behind them.

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