Part ix.

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Rhaenar woke to the room being plain, gone was the Throne beneath her replaced by a push bed as she groaned, reaching up to stroke her face, clearing the sleep from her eyes

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Rhaenar woke to the room being plain, gone was the Throne beneath her replaced by a push bed as she groaned, reaching up to stroke her face, clearing the sleep from her eyes. Her hand found where the wound was, the bandages covering the area of her hip. A light speckling of red had filled the gauze, but nothing like she had expected as slowly she glanced around the room, taking in her surroundings.

Rhaenar was alone for as far as she could tell, no Septas moving between the beds, only the light streaming in as it lit at the pale cotton. Rhae rose, a blanket of hair swarming around her, falling against the thin robe that covered her. For once, it was silent. Pure silence, not the fake silence that settled in the room when noise still raged from outside. A groan slipped from Rhaenar, pain skirting up her side as she forced herself up and her legs over the side.

The cold stone bit at the flesh as her hand grasped the side, pulling her further up as she stood completely. Her muscles ached, begging her to stay still as Rhaenar glanced around again. It was still empty. With quick steps - or as quick as she could manage in her state - Rhaenar managed to make it out of the infirmary, pushing on the large doors as she entered the corridor.

This too was empty. Clear from anyone and everyone as she moved forward again, unsure where she was going but desperate to get somewhere. Where was Egg? Where were the injured men? Or even Handmaidens? Surely they should be walking around?

But, Rhaenar could still not see anyone as she reached the end of the corridor, and peered left and right as she searched for anyone. The courtyard could be seen from the windows, the place she had landed with Leirion when the fight was still raging around them. But rather than the grass that had settled there, now there was thick snow upon the ground, and barren trees along the edges.

She moved closer, Rhaenar's hand reaching out to touch at the panes of glass. They were freezing against her fingertips, like ice as small crystals had built against the bottom. "Your Grace!" A shocked voice called her, her hand pulling back as she turned, spotting a young girl "What are you doing out of bed?"

"I, uh, I..." Rhaenar couldn't form a reply as the words muddled inside her head.

"You're supposed to be resting." She muttered, shaking her head disapprovingly as she came forward, grasping Rhaenar by the arm. Rhae let this young girl lead her as she was taken back to the infirmary, before placing back into her bed, and tucked up.

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