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Rhaenar left the maze with her chin up, but her heart heavy; her indigo eyes sweeping the turrets of white and gold

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Rhaenar left the maze with her chin up, but her heart heavy; her indigo eyes sweeping the turrets of white and gold. A new Lord ruled House Tyrell, one that would never forget the brutality it faced. She felt like a failure, a failure because she couldn't save the person who had pledged themself to her.

The morning had long since broken, and she had overseen Olenna being taken to the Sept where in time she would be laid to rest; she'd find peace with Margaery and Loras; that Rhaenar was certain of. The indigo swept the field, seeing the remaining Lannister forces rounded up. They still had a substantial number, but there was no where near the number the Lannisters did have - some of the Red Cloaks remained in the Capital.

Her eyes found Aegon, his presence lingering beside Tywin and Torgo as they looked over the men, the leaders rounded to the side. Aegon nodded to her, Rhaenar nodding back as she made her way forward. To the left of them stood Tyrion, his emerald greens drifting over the field as he took in the faces; Tywin doing the same. Leirion screeched, crawling his way to the hill as he looked over them all, Rhaenys just beside them. She couldn't see the face of Jaime, Tywin's prized son; Tyrion's eyes met hers, where was he? They both thought.

Rhaenar walked to him, their heads angled to one another as they faced opposite directions. "Where is your brother?"

"I don't know, I can't see him amongst the crowds." Her jaw tightened, her head nodding. "Lady Olenna?"

She shook her head. "Dead, murdered by your brother." He glanced away, shaking his head. "What do I do with these men, Tyrion? We both know they all won't pledge fealty."

"We'll cross that bridge when it comes to it; for now inspire them, show them that you're not what Cersei says you are." That was easier said than done, Rhae thought as she nodded, turning. Tyrion reached out, quickly grasping her hand. "I'm sorry I lost you Olenna."

His emerald eyes shined up at her, sincerity in the hue. "I know, I'm sorry I've been so harsh. Meereen seems like a lifetime ago."

Tyrion smiled. "It was." With a shared look, she took her place in front of the men, not on the hill like what was expected of her, but the ground. She wasn't in a position above them, Rhaenar would appeal to them. She gazed out, the indigo looking into eyes of fear, anger, confusion... Rhaenar knew better than to expect love and devotion, these people didn't know her - not yet at least.

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