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She heard the sound echo through the air as Leirion rose again, Rhaenar's eyes just catching sight of the Unsullied as three lines thick but wide enough to surround the entirety of Highgarden began to move within the trees, a single soul on a hors...

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She heard the sound echo through the air as Leirion rose again, Rhaenar's eyes just catching sight of the Unsullied as three lines thick but wide enough to surround the entirety of Highgarden began to move within the trees, a single soul on a horse as he rode around them all.

Tywin and the Unsullied had made it, word must have reached their camp enough for him to have come here; the Unsullied working with him. She smiled, watching them all. Step by step she watched as they pushed the last of the Lannister army from hiding, forcing them into the field as they fought with the Golden Company. The gap between each Unsullied growing smaller as Tywin disappeared into the tree line, emerging once more into the field where he overlooked it all.

"Mazilībagon nyke ilagon." Rhaenar spoke to Leirion, the dragon complying as he flew back down, settling on a clear patch of the field; the fire raging around them. The few soldiers around them were swatted like flies as Leirion used his tail to smack them away, Rhaenar smiling at her boy. Between the licks of fire and heady air of smoke, her eyes flickered across the field.

There were no crisp bodies of men lying dead, no ash piles of once living figures; only the burnt earth and shrivelled dead grass from the heat. It was madness; the Unsullied tightening the field step by step as they forced the Lannister forces into an enclosed space. They were like cattle, driven by the spears of the Unsullied and any that tried to turn on them would meet the harsh spears of the first line of defence.

Hooves echoed around her, elephants trumping mixing with the high whines of horses. She prayed they would be safe, that the elephants wouldn't get harmed - she'd hate to think what a mess Harry would be if one of his beloved elephants were harmed. But it wasn't just the Unsullied and Golden Company that surrounded them, she could see the dark green of the Tyrell army uniform, of their golden rose shields discarded across the ground.

Rhaenar looked up, her eyes focusing on the castle before her. Olenna should be safe, men should still be surrounding her. A gallop interrupted her thoughts, bringing Rhaenar to the figure beside her as they rode over. Tywin looked majestic on his black steed, the red cloak billowing behind him as he cut through men like butter to get to her.

The horse slowed before coming to a stop before her, Rhaenar reaching up to press her hand to his nose as she glanced up; Tywin dismounting. "You got our message." He mused, Rhaenar nodded.

"We came as fast as we could; we didn't think we would be fighting today but the Lannister Army caught us off guard while we were flying." She explained, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. If any man would dare to come close, she knew Tywin would defend the both of them - if Leirion didn't get them first.

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