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Some of the stuff incorporated from the books is changed slightly. 

Men had been fighting for the better part of the day as Rhaenar sat patiently on the chair, Harry on one side with the Sealord on the other; Mero and her Unsullied mixing with the crowd of men as they too wanted to fight

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Men had been fighting for the better part of the day as Rhaenar sat patiently on the chair, Harry on one side with the Sealord on the other; Mero and her Unsullied mixing with the crowd of men as they too wanted to fight.

She had seen sword clash against sword, shields protect men as spears threatened to connect with their sides. Her indigo eyes captured Blue, his eyes trained on the opponent opposite him as they fought tooth and nail. His spear would lash out, desperate to connect with the man's side but the Golden just dodging the tip. He would turn, taking the spear with him before planting it into the man's leg, knocking him to the ground before falsely piercing him with it; taking out the Golden. Rhaenar smiled, clapping gently for her Unsullied as he took on his next man. It was good, old, clean fighting; the only blood seen on the ground left from a slight too slow move or a hit to the cheek.

Rhaenar watched as Mero entered the next fighting ring, his sword in one hand as he had swapped back to his lighter armour. Her eyes flickered between Blue and Mero, shuffling to the edge of her seat as she swallowed. She was nervous for them; Mero's opponent having already taken out 4 competitors, and Blue being on his fifth. Mero waited for his opponent to hit first, walking around the ring, taunting him. He fell for it, lunging forward with the sword but Mero quick to dodge; Blue pulling a similar tactic. Blue held up his shield as he blocked an in coming hit, the sword crashing against the hard shell. Over and over this sword hit the shield before finally Blue pushed up, sending the opponent's arm flying back, the shield crashing to his chest before flooring him. He grasped the dagger with his left, holding it to their throat.

She grinned, clapping enthusiastically as Blue took a moment's breath, sweat building along his brow. He was used to being drilled harder than this, but never with an audience. Mero's sword clashed into his opponents, the metal ringing across the field as they locked for a moment. It was tense, the man moving to kick Mero's side but losing some of the strength in his arm, Mero pushing him back. He stumbled, arms sputtering for a moment before straightening back up; this time their swords met once, twice, three times before Mero used his shield as a force, pushing him away. The man was on the ground, mouth open as Mero placed the tip of the sword to his neck.

"I must admit, Your Grace; your men have yet to lose a battle." Ferrego, the Sealord uttered as he leaned close to the Queen, his eyes not leaving the men.

Rhaenar glanced at him. He was an older man with the brightest blue hair she had seen, each strand a nest of curls that sat close to his head. His dark eyes alight as he watched them battle. "Thank you, my Lord." She said carefully, her eyes weary as she took him in.

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