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The tumblers of the locks sounded off in Bradley's ears as she extracted the keys. The clock had just chimed 10:00 AM evoking a sudden amount of swiftness in her actions.

Running late was never something Bradley could get use to, but being in a city where drivers had the ability to ruin your day with one simple switch of lanes, she managed to be late everyday.

The sweet aroma of the fragranced Pine-Sol that was used to buffer the floors clean, filled her nose. Although the smell was inviting, it wasn't strong enough to fight the fumes of all of the hair product that was set up in each of the eight booths that's graced the floor.

The powerful smell of the well known Bronner Brothers Pump It Up Spritz was the first to strike her causing her eyes to roll from the high raised ceilings to the fresh white tiled floors. One of her stylist insisted on over using the product causing the smell to nestle itself into every inch of the room.

Bradley was clad in a pair of dark wash jeans, which she cuffed at the ankles. They looked to be painted onto her curvaceous bottom half. To match, she sported the black and gold "Allure Me" hair studios shirt that was mandatory for each employee to wear, even herself. Knowing that she would have a long day ahead of her, Bradley had on a pair of black and white old school Vans. They exuded the perfect comfort for her along with embracing her sense of style. With every step Bradley took, her 28 inch water wave full lace wig swayed with her. The install was superb and she almost fooled herself into believing it was her own hair coming from the scalp.

She had done her own make up, being as light as possible. She enhanced her brows, and lashes along with applying a layer of gloss onto her irresistible lips.

This was her go to work uniform and she loved it. She could dress it up, or dress it down, whenever she so pleased.

Reverting herself back into the state of rushing, Bradley scurried around turning on the display lights and TV's. She knew her crew would be getting here any second and she didn't want any help getting the shop ready. She wanted them to simply focus on getting their booth set for the day to ensure that the clients would be satisfied.

Once everything was set up, Bradley scrubbed off any smudge marks on the mirrors that bothered her. As she was doing so, the chimes on the door rattled her ears.

Averting her attention towards the door rather than the oily smudges that printed the mirror, Bradley smiled. "Good morning," She greeted.

"Good morning Brad," A bubbly voice greeted back.

At nothing higher than 5'4, Posh Franklin came waltzing into the studio. Her natural hair was pressed and trimmed into a short bob that was bumped at the ends. The way her tresses effortlessly cupped her rounded face amplified her beauty. Whenever she came into work, Posh never had any make up on, she though it weighed her down while she was trying to get clients in and out. She was dressed in the same shirt as Bradley, but she styled her's with some black leggings and some Gucci thong sandals. As minimal her style can be, the thick iced out chain on her neck caught a ton of attention. The name plate that spelled out her name in serif font proved its authenticity.

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