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My eyes are still closed but I could feel the tropical sensation of the streaks of day shine coming from the opened curtains that had me twitch my eyelids, the sounds produced and sung by the birds acted like an alarm for me to wake up already. 

"Miss Sana?"

"Miss Sana?"

It was faint, but I hear her voice. I turned to my right and gradually opened my eyes until my vision cleared. Hina was on her knees bending as she equaled where the direction of my face is.

"Miss Sana?"

I groaned inwardly as instantly, it felt like someone kept punching my head. The aching impact fogged up my head, it slowly, but painfully flowed at the very inch parts of my head like a cold tide.

I rubbed my eyes and held my head. I heard a chuckle from Hina. "I assume you feel lightheaded, Miss Sana."

I sat up properly, but like a magnetic pull, my body felt heavy, as if it didn't want to get up anymore.

"Good morning, Miss Sana. You should get up, breakfast is ready." Hina smiled.

Still holding my head from the twinging feeling, I nodded as she helped me stood up and refreshen myself.


I yawned whilst I trailed behind Hina as we walk at the hallway of the mansion, I frowned when we just passed over the kitchen and there's no food arranged there.

"Uhm..." I cleared my throat. "Where are we going...?"

Hina displayed her infamous sweet smile again. "The Don is waiting for you at the garden for your breakfast, Miss Sana."

All the substantial listless and impassiveness possessing my body bolted away when I heard her. "G-Garden?"

"Yes, Miss Sana."

"I'm.. I'm allowed to go out in the garden?" I pointed myself, questioning her again as what happened yesterday– when I was told I wasn't allowed to go out is still as clear as day. Yesterday..


I only remember... taking a bottle and the smell.. the intoxicating smell of the alcohol and the taste... I decided to take a taste and then...

My train of thoughts ceased when we're already in front of the huge glass doors that led outside. I went closer to Hina when the same guard who stopped us yesterday stared at me before opening it.

We stepped outside. I tried to retain my elation. I saw.. Jungkook sitting at the white metal chairs under a tree, he's wearing a full black suit and black shades. Behind him was Taehyung and the tall guy called Namjoon.

On my way there, I began admiring the flowers, plants and the whole aesthetic of the garden. I could feel the grasses tickling my feet and the hem of my dress and the sun shining over me.

"Kitten." Jungkook said, pushing the shades up on the bridge of his nose using his finger whilst staring at me.

I glanced at the food served on the table. Suddenly, I felt my stomach growl.. and the urge to eat after it disappeared for how many days. Like my appetite went back.

He said. "You like the garden, don't you? Now eat."

I sat down on the bench, I felt my gums water at the sight. Something I've never felt for quite some time. I was glad that Jungkook, Taehyung and the scary guy, Namjoon were talking about something else. Otherwise, I would've felt embarrassed as I'm the only one eating.

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