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It's been a week ever since Sana got shot. The guys are finding out who might be the one to shoot her. And all the connections tied to the ambush. Sana woke up yesterday from her unconscious state. Though, she has not seen Jungkook since he went to Busan with Jimin a day ago but will come back this day. Sana is fine now, but her state a week ago is close to death.

The bullet went through her heart but Dr. Ahn explained that the bullet didn't bother any arteries. "Jin, where is Jungkook?" She asks softly. "He's in– WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! DIDN'T THE DOCTOR SAID THAT YOU SHOULD STAY AT REST IN THE BED FOR TWO MORE DAYS?!" Jin ranted. "I'm fine now!" She chuckles at Jin's dramatic scene. "You almost died!" He shouts. "But I'm alive...?" She smiles. "Oh no, you tiny girl. Go back to your bed or I'll be whooping your ass–"

"The only man that can whoop her ass is me."

His voice is very deep and husky as he stands there with his veiny arms in his front pockets. "I'll go now. Get well soon, darling."

"Jungkook.." She bits her bottom lip and walked toward him. "Let's go upstairs.." He grabbed her hand and locked themselves inside the room. Sana notices Jungkook's cold gazes at her. "A-Are.. .you mad?" She whimpers.

"Yes. Yes, I am. Did you know what the fuck just happened?!"

"I ALMOST LOST YOU! Fuck, Sana! I can't lose you." He says the last words softly and stares at her pretty face. He cupped her face with his hand. "I'm madly insane for you." He whispers against her lips. "I.. missed you," Sana said and hugged his waist. He sighed, "I miss you too, baby."

"W–Where were you?" She asks and looked up at him. "Busan. Just did some business there." He carried her bridal style and sat on a single couch with her on his lap. "Are you okay now?" Jungkook asks worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine." She smiles.

"I'm glad you're fine, my love.." He smiles, showing off his cute ass teeth that Sana noticed.

"You look like Bugs Bunny when you smile." She teases. Jungkook faked a pissed face trying to hide his flattering heart. "Yeah, don't be upset. It's very cute." She giggles.

"Me? Cute?"

"My baby, do you even know whom you are calling a 'baby'?" Jungkook sexily whispered in her ear and pecks her exposed collarbone. She giggled and tip-Todd to peck his lips, "Of course. I do."

"Also, w–who are those guys that attacked us?" She tilts her head to the side. "I don't want you getting involved in this kind of business, my love." He says. "But I want to know.." She pleaded.

"No is a no, Sana."

"P..Please?" She asks again. "It's another Mafia." Jungkook sighs, since when did he break his own rule? A no is a no, right? "Promise me that. Whatever I do. Always forgive me." Jungkook stated. "What do you mean? That's very selfish." Sana pouts. "I know. But, please?"

"I don't know. It depends on what you did." She says. She grabs her hand and did the same thing she does with it. She plays with his long slender fingers that have many rings. As she does this, Jungkook tucked her hair behind her ear using his free hand and smiled.

Jungkook laughs at her small tiny hands compared to his. She covers half of his fingers lip earrings the index and middle finger with the thumb alone. She stares at it and realized something. She gulped, the index and middle finger...

Jungkook laughs again when he realized it too. "Y-You have inhumanly large hands." She says nervously. "Sana please remember, whatever happens in the near future. I'll always come for you." She nods at his statement. "Sleep now, love. I want you to rest." He pecked her forehead and laid her head on his chest. Hummed a song while caressing her hair. 'She's such a baby.' he smiled at that thought. After minutes her soft snores made his heart flutter again. He glanced down at his chest and saw her lips slightly parted with her index finger in between as she sleeps.

"Sleep. And don't be aware of the problems in the world, my baby." He whispers in her ear and sighs. He places her gently in the bed and covers her with bedsheets.


"Where's Sana?" Taehyung asks after I got inside the meeting room. "I had her asleep," I said. "Did you tell her about the things?" Jimin asked and sat on the couch. "What things?" Hoseok Hyung says. "About the.. another Mafia that's threatening her life." Jimin Hyung stated. "No. I don't want her to know." I took a shot of Tequila and lit my cigarette.

"Why not?" Hoseok Hyung said. "I don't want her to be scared now that she's comfortable with me," I explained and faced them.

"How can you protect her? She's not fit for this kind of world! She deserves a peaceful life!" Taehyung blabbered. "I've been saying that from the start. But you chose to fucking ignore me."

"I'm aware of that, Hyung." I hissed. "She loves you.." Taehyung scoffed. I stiffened. "What are you talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Don, you stripped her away from freedom, yet you made her feel free. I graduated a course in Psychology and it doesn't take minutes for me to see if a person loves you or not." Taehyung stated, eyes widening when he realized something.

I looked away.

"I'll make her hate me then..."

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