Poncho Pup [Logicality] (Modern AU)

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The song is sad, but this Fic is not. Ready friends?


On the corner of West Boulevard and and West Lane Drive there's a box under the stop sign. Earlier this morning some lady dropped the box with only one flap open. Inside Is a small puppy that had been abandoned due to the fact that the woman could not afford the surgery the dog needs to survive. Heart problems. Yes, this is heartbreaking, but do not worry. This story does have a supremely happy ending.

Maybe two hours after the puppy was abandoned a man who works at the local space research center noticed the box. Upon closer inspection he had noticed the tiny doggo eating out of a tiny bowl of kibble. There is very little the dog was supplied, barely enough food and water for the day. The man who first discovered the puppy was Logan Orion, and sadly he wasn't a Man of excessive empathy.

It was a rainy day, and Logan wasn't a heartless man, so he gave up his umbrella for the dog. He calculated quickly the expenses for a puppy but then  noticed a not underneath the dog's butt. He picked it up and read that the poor thing needed heart surgery. Logan is a man who lives alone with plenty of money. He surely will have enough to cover the expenses of this dog's surgery. After nursing the poor animal, he will find them a home.

...later. He was going to be late to worm I feel he delayed any further. Logan, without missing a beat, continued walking a block over to the research station. If the dog was still there after his work, then he had made a mental word to take the dog. However if another took hospitality of the dog, it didn't mean too much to him. He has plenty of umbrellas and he woudlnt Be the best father to a puppy anyways.

About nine hours pass and Logan's work for the day is done. He returned to the stop sign on the corner of both West Side Streets and he saw a person there. They held the dog in their arms and took shelter under Logan's umbrella. Logan recognized this person. This was Patton Sweettart, the Brother In-Law to a coworker who invited him to her wedding. Logan remembered being sited next to him at the wedding. Patton looked over at him and smiled.

"Hey Logan! It's been a while, huh? Is this your umbrella?"

"Putting it quite simply, yes. The dog in the box caught my attention and it was clear that they'd be soaked and possibly get even sicker due to fever. I was planning on giving hospitality to the small creature, however if you would wish to be the dog's guiardian I wouldn't mind a bit. I would just wish to lay for the surgery."


Patton mustn't have seen the note. Logan crouched down next to him, but apparently the note that stated that the dog needed heart surgery to survive was gone. Did it get destroyed or did someone take it? Logan checked all around the box and in his pockets, the search resulting futile. Perhaps it would have been better from the begining to outright explain it verbally. Patton is an understanding man.

"When I first discovered the dog, there was a note at at he'd be the previous owner that had described how the dog has a heart condition requiring surgery or else it would not survive."

Patton gasped, hands covering his mouth and then reaching for the dog to give the puppy a huge, comforting hug. Logan watched him with a blank expression as he ran through the dog and mumbled it comforting words all alone the lines of "everything no is going to be okay".  Patton then looked up at Logan, desperateness burning bright in his puppydog brown eyes. With that comparison in mind, he did look rather similar to the dog.

"Logan we have to help the poor thing! I'm an intern veterinarian so I'm sure I can get this little pup seen right away! But... I'm still kinda paying off my student loans. Can I take you up on that offer on paying for that surgery? I'll take care of him! Promise! Cross my heart, hope to fly! Stick a cupcake in my eye!"

Patton did a motion with his free hand, making a cross over his heart as he said the words and shoving an invisible cupcake in his eye. Logan nodded, completely understand and accepting of the circumstances. The puppy happily borked at them, not understanding an ounce of what was going on. They threw the box away in a nearby dumpster, Logan using his umbrella to shelter himself, Patton, and the dog from the rain as they walked several blocks over to get to Patton's Veterinary Office.

Now, I am aware that I promised a happy ending so we are going to skim over some details to get to the ending. The puppy's Surgery was successful, Patton and the doctor he worked under operating on the poor thing themselves. On that day, since Logan had felt a psychological annoyance called "worry" overcome him about the dog, he sat in the waiting room that day until he knew the results of the operation.

Patton did become the caregiver of the dog and the dog stayed at the vet. The dog became a helpful little pal who would go up to the animals about to be treated and make friends, cofmortimg them and preparing them for the operations and checkups to come. Also to warn them about the thermometers that go ten to fifteen centimeters up the ass. Logan ended up visiting every day after work to check up on the puppy, and to check up on Patton. He made the excuse of obligation, but really it became more of a pleasant addition to his daily routine.

One day, after a month or two and Patton was seeing a possible promotion in his future, he asked Logan to walk with him and the dog which he had named Poncho. Why? Because he was found in rainy weather and the umbrella kept him dry! Patton's great at puns. It was a sunny day to contradict the day they found Poncho, and Patton insisted that Logan hold the leash. Logan had heard people comment and assume that they were a couple. Logan Lund himself embarrassed, but Patton didn't seem to mind.

"Hey, Logan. Can we make a slight detour in our route?"

"Hmm? Is there's some sort of errand you need to run? If so I do not mind waiting with Poncho outside or walking around the perimeter of whatever facility you need to utilize."

"Oh goodness no! Ha ha... nothing like that I promise! I just know of this really good puppy cafe. I've been with Poncho once and he seems to be a staff favorite because of how friendly and small he is. And I... I sort of made a promise to the bartenders there that I'd go on my first date there so..."

Patton trailed off, chipper as always yet stammering and being an awkward little bean. Logan took some time to process this, still walking along the sidewalk with Patton and Poncho. The request he had been given was to go to a location where they serve coffee for the humans and have an enclosed place where pets go to play and socialize. Like a daycare but the gyiardians get to be there and have a pleasant time. Logan recognizes the word 'date' as something romantic, which made the windows server almost crash when he heard it.

"Patton, are you asking me to participate on a romantic outing with you?"

"Wow, it sounds a lot different when you say It like that... but yeah! Do you want to go on a romantic outing with me?"


Patton let out a giant "YESSSSS!!!" That would make Justin LaBoy's 'Yes' after Naomi said 'I'll think about it.' Go on a run for its money. Logan cracked a smile, Patton grabbing into the leash and tugging Logan forward. Patton simply couldn't wait, huh? But to be honest Logan couldn't either. He had never been on a romantic outing, apologies, Date before. There wasn't always something exciting about the unknown.

And this little unknown would lead to many more dates, a stronger relationship, and eventually a family with Poncho the start of it all.

1400 Words

I'm really happy about this one. I told you it would be cute with a happy ending, didn't I?

Be generous. Be caring and compassionate. Have empathy. I'm not saying give up all of yourself, but I'm saying that you should at least consider another person and their situation and try to see the best of them in hard times. Don't give all your money, maybe just a dollar or penny. Don't let a abandoned dog die in the rain, at least leave an umbrella or go bring them to a shelter or to someone who can take care of it.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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