Warning: light cussing
"Roman, get off my lap. I am trying to eat my lunch."
"My lips taste like strawberries! Taste them!"
"Ugh, Fine. It's not like I want to or anything. Only because you're making me."
Roman leaned forward and kissed his boyfriend passionately on the mouth. Their friends were totally used to this. Roman always was overly affectionate with his boyfriend. The two of the men were theater kids, so neither of them minded. None of them minded. Roman was just lucky that he didn't share a lunch period with his brother Remus.
Roman made sure that Deceit got all the strawberry lipgloss on his lips so he could taste it. It was, like, super good! He was really lucky his friend let him borrow some of hers. She was Veronica in their production of Heathers, and Roman was JD. Sharing lip balm is nothing compared to Dead Girl Walking. Besides, Deceit is Kurt in the show. They're both gay so neither of them mind, even though they wanted to be Kurt and Ram together. Roman was just too good...
Roman pulled away, still sitting on Deceit's lap and facing him. Deceit had light pink speared all over his mouth and he was smirking. He liked it, but Roman instantly scrunched his nose playfully. Deceit rose an eyebrow, challenging him to say anything slightly negative right now.
"Gross, you taste like Cigarettes!"
"Well you taste like Strawberries, so we both ended up having a pleasant experience."
Deceit pushed Roman off his lap and Next to him on the bench of the school table. Roman made his normal offended teenage boy noises while Deceit held his head high, taking a good chimp out of his carrot. Deceit was a healthy boi. No eating disorders for him anymore. No sir! Roman reached over and stole one of his carrots, still pecking after eating watever shit the cafeteria gave him.
"Hey Roman? Deceit? How long have you been dating? I've always seen you two together and you guys seem to have a good, casual relationship and I'm kinda curious."
"Oh yeah! When did you two become a thing? I've known you guys since junior high and you've always been together!"
"I kinda wanna know too..."
The other three friends that's they sit with all asked, piling one after another. Let's name all their friends, shall we? Hooray for original characters! First we have the Shy Darwin who was put into theater to get him out of his shell. He's the only freshman at the table and he had only recently started talking. Then we have Frankie. They're super cool and chill and was one of Deceit's friends for freaking ever. Their older brother sells cigarettes and stuff just to get by, but he's legal so no worries. Last is Charlie: That's Veronica. She's a huge lesbian and she is a huge aesthetic mood.
"How we met, I don't remember at all. Roman, could you perhaps remind me of the story of how we met?"
Deceit walked his hand over Roman's shoulders with his fingers, resting on the far shoulder and looking in his eyes with this sort of catty grin. He was literally the Cheshire Cat. Roman sighed, leaning on Deceit's shoulder lazily. He didn't want to do it on his own. He closed his eyes to charge the details. Once he had it memorized he sat back up, getting into theater mode. He slammed his hands on the table and went all out.
"It was a cloud day, overcast and depressing. It was intermediate school, fat back in the early ages of eleven. Fifth grade! Little child Roman was in his backyard, up in his treehouse, pretending to be the king of the entire jungle! His tree castle towered above the neighborhood! He was the most powerful child for miles around!"
Roman looked between the three, then back towards Deceit. He just grinned and rolled his eyes. Roman was extra, but Deceit loved it.
"Then the woman who pushed this very child out of her body and loved him for life called up to him, breaking him from the world of fantasy. "My Dear Roman, come forth!" She called with a warm smile and hands cupped around her mouth. "Come forth and meet a new friend who has joined in our neighborhood!" So I jumped down and went to him as fast as I could. The second I saw his face I fell in love. Those multicolored eyes, the hair falling over his bangs, the messy yellow clothes he wore, everything about him was absolutely perfect. The Little eleven year old Prince fell in love right then and there."
Deceit rested his chin on his hands, leaning over the table and watching Roman with all his eccentricities. Deceit decided to add more onto the dramatic reinaction to the story from his own perspective.
"The poor boy reeked of cigarettes, but the prince didn't care. His father smoked something fierce, but the mother couldn't smell and the prince needn't judge. The prince held his hands and brought him into his castle. He fed him the most delicate of fruits: Strawberries. And they ruled the neighborhood from their tree castle for the rest of their childhood days from then on."
Roman was so proud of Deceit! Both of them were theater gays, of course they would go over the top!
"Though the castle may have been worn and broken, their love never faltered! When the castle broke and fell, the two kings of the neighborhood continued to love and be together forever more. They enjoyed the delicate fruit of the strawberries together and shared the taste of smoke between kisses. They will be forever entertwined and in love, no matter what trials and tribulations the kings will go through."
Darwin, Frankie, and Charlie stared at them in awe. Roman and Deceit were staring in eachother's eyes again, their hands entwrtwining and their faces nearly touching. They were connected by their noses, smiling and breathing hot air on eachother's lips. Roman licked his strawberry lips and Deceit took the iniative and kissed his lips yet again. They just can't get enough of eachother, can they? No.
"Wow, you two are such goals. I feel super guilty that I have to steal your man and then kill him in the show, Dee Dee."
Charlie took a big sip from her caprisun, being a major mood like always, and the two broke apart. Roman found himself sitting in Deceit's lap again, but this time facing towards the table instead of his boyfriend. Deceit wrapped his arms around his waist, giving him an embrace from the side. Deceit buried his face in Roman's shoulder, just closing his eyes and smiling. He officially checked out from the conversation. Roman was the one who ended up talking for the rest of lunch.
"Wow... you guys are just like a storybook. I wish I could find someone like you guys did. You guys are so cute together..."
"Darwin, shut up. Of course you're going to find someone who loves you. Charlie, Roman, Dee, and I all love you. I get you're shy but you need to stop making excuses, sweetie. If I actually wanted to be in a romantic relationship I would totally date you."
"Be Nice Frankie, you don't need to be so mean to Darwin like that."
Roman actually clocked out of the conversation at this point too, just leaning back into Deceit's chest and closed his eyes. Now the entire inside of his mout tasted like strawberries and cigarettes. He didn't mind it. He's used to the Smokey berry flavor. He's been dating Deceit forever and they're almost out of highschool. They're almost married. He's so excited to be married.
Roman's wearing the fucking dress and nobody's stopping him.
1300 Words
I have a killer headache, help.
Every relationship has a different story. Platonic, Romantic, Familial, any sort of relationship. All of them are special and all of them have a story. Remember that.
Internet hugs and blow kisses

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...