I saw a meme with Virgil describing where Deceit's scales are on his body so I decided to make a oneshot based on that.
So have another meme Drabble.
Logan was always curious about the nature of Deceit's scales, but he could never get a straight answer from him. He can't get a straight answer from anyone around here. They're all gay. But he could never figure out any knowledge of Deceit's scales. He'd always get a fib. The only thing that he can say is that his scales are soft, to Logan's knowledge.
Deceit was never around long enough to ask, or there would be a situation in the midst and there wasn't any acceptable time to bring up that casual means of conversation.
But here he was. It was, perhaps, ten o'clock at night and the other core sides were asleep or working on something else. To state it in more detail: Both Patton and Virgil were asleep and Roman was working on crafting the perfect dream for Thomas. That meant Deceit, Remus, and other dark sides could wander about without being scolded nor attacked by those three. That means...
"Deceit, where exactly do you have scales on your body?"
Deceit rose an eyebrow, lowering the hot tea from his mouth that he was about to drink. Logan was just sitting there with no book, no drink, nothing to occupy his focus. Deceit met his eyes and saw that Logan was entirely serious. Deceit chuckled.
"Just ask Virgil, he knows."
No, he clearly doesn't. Logan had already asked and Virgil lashed out at him basically saying "how the hell should I know I hate that guy!" And it was infuriating to say in the least. It was a lie.
"Falsehood, no he doesn't. I had already asked before and he said he hadn't the knowledge. So I shall ask you again: Where exactly do you have scales on your body? It has been plaguing me for the longest time and your scales prove to be a topic of interest. There was never a socially acceptable time to mention it..."
Deceit just stared at him, trying not to laugh. Logan was being entirely serious, he couldn't find the humor in what he had said to Deceit. He really wanted to know where exactly on his body he had scales, their texture, how far they went... The biological aspects of the scales that Deceit somehow had was very intruging. Deceit sighed and shrugged off his cape and taking his hats off so he doesn't damage it.
"You really wanna know? Okay fine. See for yourself."
Wow he has been hanging around Remus far too long. Even Logan, the person who takes everything far too literally, could understand how flirty and suggestive that notion and that sentence spoken together was.
Deceit took his shirt off and it was surprising to see what he saw. He was sort of like a calico cat, spots of scales randomly scattered across his body. Deceit took off his gloves as well, everything above the belt he wore being nothing but skin and scales. Deceit took a long sip of his tea, not minding the possible awkwardness of what's was goin good on at all. Logan had to surpress how gay he was for the sake of science.
Logan moved from his spot to next to Deceit, who was watching him with a smug look on his face. Logan traced his fingers over the patch of scales on Deceit's right shoulder. Wow, his scales WERE soft. Logan was right, just like always. Logan was breathtaken, completely speechless. Deceit chuckled again, his voice deep and velvety.
"You like my scales, don't you Logan? How adorable~."
Logan felt his face flush deep pink out of embarassment. That's new. Logan retracted his hands, trying not to avert his eye's from deceit's. This moment is really gay and nothing coiled ever change that.
650 Words
Bonus Ending
"Hey I wonder what Deceit's scales are like."
This was it. Logan's time has come. Even though it was just Roman blabbing in about nothing in a dreamlike stats while Thomas was on a flight with Joan and struggling to not sleep because Joan will draw all over his face, Logan's time has come.
"Well for starters he had a large spot of scales on his left shoulder that stretches down to the beginning of his bicept. Then he has two large symmetrical spots on his waist, left and right directly under the pectorals. On both wrists he had scales extending from the forearm wrapping entirely around, which is why he wears those yellow gloves. Then the center of his back up to the shoulderblades he has a long stretch of scales. On each spot the scales are unexpectedly softened whenver he gets angry and/or prickly they get really sharp and stand up like the hair on the back of your neck."
Silence filled the room. Roman stared at Logan while Virgil and Patton shared a look. You'd expect Roman to say the next word, but it ended up being Virgil who said the last phrase that would end this oneshot.
"Logan... that's gay."
850 Words
I hope you enjoyed the meme chapter my braces wire is messed up but I can't tell anyone or I get in trouble yaaaaaaay.

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...