Yesss it's two AUs in one! Have fun with this one!
Valeria stood in the Witch's home as Remy, the witch In the forest just outside of the village, was rummaging through his cabinets for certain ingredients. A thick grassy green liquid oozed in the cauldron in the middle of the room. Remy threw an entire bottle of something over his shoulder into the cauldron and the liquid went dark blue. Then there was a cloud poof of glitter. Valeria peered inside and saw a reflection of the person that they want to be: Virgil.
"Okay sweetie, the poison's nice and ready for you. All you have to do I grab a nice little cup over there and take a swig and BOOM! No tiddies all dick! Also no more dysphoria. That's what the glitter's for~"
Remy grinned, jumping off the ladder he used to reach the top cabinet shelf. He isn't like a classic witch from the storybooks. He has purple short hair and stars tattooed along his arms. He also wears a black crop top with a pentagram in it and a short skirt pulled over his waist where the truffled edges reach the middle of his thighs. He also wears black stockings up to his knees and high heels. He's a styling witch. Honestly Valeria was highly attracted to how he was.
"So this potion-"
"Uh uh, Sweetheart. I don't lie to my patrons. This here is a poison. A drug. The difference is that this thing messes with the chemicals in your body and this thing will knock you out cold. Depending how fucked up your dysphoria is and how the magic will reverse your body parts you might be out for weeks. Think it over. Is this really what you want, Virgil?"
Virgil. The first time they've been called by their preferred name. No... his preferred name. Virgil snatched the cup. No. He reached for two. He filled them both up to the brim, poison dripping out of the cups. Virgil chugged them. He downed the two like a man at a bar who accidentally screwed his sister on a blind date. Remy didn't even stand by. He just smirked and watched as he set down the cups and glared in his eyes. Remy likes a person with some spunk.
"I want this more than anything else in my life."
Aaaaaaaaaand he's out. Remy laughed and grabbed his legs. Damn he's light as a feather! Remy set him on his own bed and covered him with blankets. Remy grabbed a pair of scissors and some of his purple hair coloring mash and started working on his bangs. He thought that Virgil, since he was wearing a purple shirt and wore a purple dress when they first met, would appreciate some purple tips.
Days pass and Remy uses indirect magic to keep Virgil nourished. Remy was growing quite find off the boy as his body developed into what he truly wanted. He became the boy he always wanted to be in his head. After all, that poison was to reverse dysphoria by reversing and recreating puberty within the body with the correct hormones. Remy knows. He tested it on himself to a point where he physically is gender neutral. He has estrogen and testosterone in his body. He was his Guinea pig, and he doesn't regret it. Look at his hips! Do you think he regrets it? No!
It took eight days. Eight days of tending and working in shop while Virgil slept. Eight days of hiding Virgil from the village and his own family because they didn't accept Virgil for who he is. It made Remy start thinking of ways to give him a happy life. Train him to be a Witch. Or Warlock if that's what he prefers. Or even a mage. Remy was making a concoction of a sweet aroma to beckon guests into his shop when Virgil sat up, looking at his hands. The grin on his face was so worth it.
"Morning Handsome, welcome to a world where Dysphoria is on an eternal restraining order and where you can be an introvert in a forest if you so desire."
Remy cheered to him, tasting the potion. Smelled like chocolate, tasted like birthday cake. One of Remy's favorite fuckups he's ever created. He walked over to Virgil as he tried to stand up. Yeah not happening buddy. Fatigue is gonna be a bitch. Virgil fell backwards on his ass, surprised at how heavy he was. His eyes were purple and his skin was pale. He had abs and muscles but no facial hair. He was kinda a skinny fit pale guy. It's 707!
"I'm... me. I'm Virgil. I'm Virgil!"
He cheered, his voice really deep and suave like one of those vampires in an anime dub. Like it's teying to be angsty and it's actually doing it for Remy. Remy pushed his fringe out of his face, his purple eyes shining before going into a natural chocolate brown. He looks kind of like a puppy. Speaking of puppies, Remy had a proposition.
"Yes, you're Virgil. However you aren't a Vandermark anymore. Your parents came by looking for you. I said that Valeria wasn't here and Virgil was. Long Story short you have two options: Make a new life in the village or live with me and become a Witch's Apprentice."
"Are you kidding? You're letting me stay here and learn dope magic AND you've helped me be the boy I always was? Can I just marry you?"
Virgil couldn't believe this. Was it all a fever dream? Was this real life, or was this just fantasy? Virgil just stared at Remy it's the most dumbfounded amazed smile and was bouncing off the walls! Metaphorically. Remy extended his hand jokingly, wiggling his finger to ask for the ring. Virgil laughed and so did he. The choice was clear, wasn't it? He wanted to become a Witch's Apprentice.
Since Virgil has started working with Remy, Remy had magiced the guy up. Remy had him take several potions to help him be invincible and immortal in case wild animals or patron should decide to get into a fight. Wounds heal instantly and Remy had taught him hoe to use formulas as projectile splash weapons. Remy also has a cool staff, but that's only for those born into magic.
Now Virgil travels deep into the forest sometimes. He has a ring made of vines on his left ring finger that Remy used to marry him a century or two ago. He would go to this waterfall and he would watch it. Remy knows this is where he goes to cope with extisential thoughts or deal with some heavy mental stuff. Some side effects of immortality was depression and anxiety. Remy has been alive dozens centuries to deal with it while Virgil only had one set of a hundred years under his belt. He's at his spot, smiling and thinking back to the time he made the best decision of his life.
Sometimes a poison can be a blessing in the long run.
1150 Words
If it hurts now bit it will help you later on, do it. If you know you will be better off doing the thing, do the thing. Leave absuvie situations, do things that will help you transition, do some basic workouts and maybe not have that third candy bar. Build a better future, even if that future is just tomorrow.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...