Home With You [Logicality] (Genderfluid Pride AU)

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So I asked -JustAnEditor- for help with a Logicality, since I haven't done one in so long, ans I think it turned into a prompt swap! So I hope I represent right! I also really wanted to use flowery Logan language and that's why I wanted to do a Logicality in the first place. I like writing for characters like Roman and Logan. It gives me an excuse to use imagery like this. :)

Like always, if I do representation wrong please let me know! I will change it immediately!

Ya boi liked this one so much she went back an edited it.


Logan had never understood how someone could be so warm and welcoming to a complete stranger. It's against the principals of what had been instilled in the public since they were children, yet some people can be so compassionate and naive to trust every person that they meet. More importantly, Logan also never understood that one phrase "home is where the heart is". No it is not. It is where your current place of residence is. That is the definition of the word 'home'. Things like that were things Logan couldn't exactly comprehend. Well, that is, until Logan met a very unique individual named Patton. 

That is where our story begins.


Logan was sitting lunch alone like he had always done. If he could do it all through elementary, intermediate, and junior high school he can tolerate it through high school as well. He didn't mind his solitude as long as he had the lovely world of literature before him to envelop himself into. However, his library book was dangerously close to being overdue for the second time so he had to return it. He just couldn't stop reading Knightly Academy. So while trying to find somewhere to keep his eyes occupied as he ate, he made eye contact with someone.

In that short glance, he could tell that they were something extraordinary. They wore circular framed glasses with tape on the sides, one pink side and other blue. They wore a braided bracelet on their left wrist that was a beautiful baby blue, mint green, and soft lavender. They wore a pastel yellow hoodie with some sort of reference to a music-related internet influence from the mainstream web and leggings, not needing to wear pants nor shorts because their hoodie was far too oversized. Their freckled speckled their face like Constellations in the night sky, popping against their very pale skin. Their hair was a curly mess, a mixed bold orange and light brunette hue, and their eyes reminded Logan of the ocean upon looking over the balcony of a cruise ship bound for Cozumel, Mexico. They were nothing short of gorgeous.

Logan quickly averted his eyes, not wanting to be intrusive nor be a bother to this aesthetically attractive human being. Yet... he was so compelled to look upwards once again to meet their Atlantic teal eyes. He did so and saw the person coming towards them with a warm smile and more details of their attire and features alike being revealed about them. They painted their nails the color of the Irish flag on one hand and another array of colors on the second. Perhaps it had something to do with the band that was adorned on that very same wrist? Logan gave the fellow highschooler the proper respect of eye contact as a conversation blossomed between the two of them.

"Why are you eating lunch alone? Don't you have anyone to sit with?"

Logan shook his head emotionlessly. There was no glee nor malencholy in his eyes behind the frames of his glasses. This person was almost appalled by the notion of that. They set their lunchbox on the table, not having any of it. Their cheeks puffed slightly out and in the simplest terms: it was quite adorable.

"Well then I'm going to fix that right now! Nobody deserves to eat lunch alone! That's just sad! Hi new friend! My name is Patton LaBoy, or Patty on other days or at other times, and I'll happily be your friend! Oh! And I should mention the bracelet I wear tells everyone what pronouns I use! Like if it's pink and orange and red I use she/her or if it's yellow and white and light brown I use they/them or if it's blue and green and purple like this one I use he/him! You're okay with that, aren't you? And what's your name? Sorry if I'm talking a million miles a minute, I just love meeting new friends!"

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