Also Pengi11 made this prompt in her promot book and I thought this one was cute and she let me use it so yay! Let's go!
Deceit has a skin condition called Vitiligo. That's means the cells in his skin are defective and/or dead and it becomes completely white and it's never changes. Deceit has naturally mocha colored skin, so you can tell the difference. Around his eye in the left side of his fsce is a white spot, but that's the only spot that people ever see. Deceit always wears long sleeves and pants so nobody can see them other white spots littering his skin. He hates his body, and normally wears his hair down or sunglasses to hide his eye. He is ashamed of his conditioned. His skin was one of his biggest insecurities, kind of like his name but that's a different story.
"Yooooo Dee! Hey, Remus said that he and his brother Roman are throwing a giant pool party back at their house a couple miles from campus's to celebrate finals being over. I was hoping you'd go with me and be my date. You are my boyfriend after all."
"Of course, Virgil, I'd love to go with you."
And that little lie is what brought him here today. Virgil had already cannobballed in, burrying their other friends in a tidal wave. Virgil used to be insecure about his stomach chub, but the twins had a backyard pool. It's not like anyone else was going to be here. Deceit had never showed anyone his skin before. He always hid it and never went swimming. The only reason he knew how was because his father taught him as a child. So Deceit sipped on the quite superior Pepsi while sitting off to the side, grimacing to himself abouf the horrible situation he put himself in. Truly, he was a poor unfortunate soul.
He was just watching a new story that Dahlia put on her Instagram after liking another one of Dominic's awesome pictures. He was just on his phone with his hair covering his eye, not wanting anyone to see his white spots shamefully scattered all over his mocha skin. Deceit looked up when he saw his boyfriend with wet hair, dripping wet, and his tummy tucked into his swim trunks walking up to him. He is very cute, but Deceit got over the blushiness a while ago. Virgil crossed his arms, popping his hips out sassily. Someone was a happy camper, wasn't he?
"Aren't you going to join us? This is kinda sorta a pool party. I'd there some sort of body issue you haven't been talking about? Because we can sit down and talk about it I feel you really need to."
"Okay, Yep, that's it. We're going to talk about this right here and right now. You helped me with my body insecurity, so I'm here to help you with yours. Now please, tell me. What's wrong? You know I'm here for you."
Deceit took a deep breath. Virgil was even more stubborn than he was. Virgil wasn't going to budge until Deceit spilled that piping hot tea. He's not Logan so he doesn't have to go out of his wan to say 'figuratively' like a dork.Virgil stared intensity into his eyes, well, eye. The other one was covered because the skin around it was all white. Even the color of that eye was different than the other. Deceit oooked at his arms, which he covered with one of Virgil's hoodies. Virgil never saw his arms. Nobody except his own mother did. His father left before it developed fully. Deceit didn't want to say, yet he knew it was for the best. Being forced to reveal something is horrible, but sometimes some people need a push. He was so conflicted.
"It's okay. I love you, Dee."
Virgil smiled at him reassuringly, easing him into this. He was the one that came to the party anyway. He always could have just been truthful and said no. Now he must make up for that by telling the truth now. It's time for a lifelong secret to be revealed to the person he cares about most. Deceit rolled up the sleeve, showing off his arm. He flicked the fringe from his eye. Pure white skin on his caramel brown tone was bleached into Virgil's eyes. Deceit cast his eyes away, shameful for this thing he had to deal with his entire life. Most people aren't ashamed of this, but Deceit was. Virgil's eyes landed on his forearm. His heart started racing and the rest of the party faded away into the background. White noise filled his ears, the thumping of his heart ringing.
"I have Vitiligo. It's a thing where my skin doesn't have functional cells to make it the correct color. There's no color wnd it makes it entirely white.It's incredibly shameful in the culture I was raised in. Grandma told me to hide it and that I was a defect. My mother was nicer to me, but she always did think I was freakish. I hate my skin. I hate my body. It's all over me and I can't do anything but cover it up. I never should have came here. I'm only weighing you guys down. Have fun. I couldn't care less."
"Stop that. Listen to me. I don't care what color your skin is, even if it's multiple. You are still an awesome guy and I love you so very much. I know that everyone else in that pool couldn't give a damn about what your body looks like or whatnot color it is. All of us are different sizes, shapes, and you guess it: colors. You are so fuckin beautiful and your skin is cool and that stupid grandmother of yours is dumb because it isn't shameful to have something you can't control like whatever this skin disease was called. You are beautiful. End of story."
Virgil held his hands on both sides of Deceit's face, squishing his cheeks and making his lips look like a fish. Virgil was a dork, but he was Deceit's dork. When Virgil let him go he looked down st his arms and legs. They both were covered with a hoodie and sweatpants. Well, not his left arm anymore. Deceit unzipped the hoodie and took it Office, revealing his chest littered with patches and specs of white. Deceit hugged himself, tying to hide the white away from Virgil. Virgil grabbed his wrists and leaned forward, smiling and hovering right before his lips. He was looking down at his lips before looking up into his eyes, no discrimination against him. Virgil didn't care If he had different eyes and different colors. Virgil loved him for him.
"Hey, don't hide yourself. If I'm not allowed to then you're not allowed to. Now can you just please kiss me so we can both do a cliché romantic jump into the water while holding hands then play with everyone else? They're waiting, Darling."
"Alright then, love, if you say so~"
Deceit hummed and leaned forward, giving Virgil exactly what he wanted: a tender kiss on the lips. The two stayed there for a while, Deceit slowly readjusting back to reality and hearing the noises of the pool party arise back into his ears. Virgil brought him back. The two parted and Deceit watched Virgil's eyes flutter open. He had the dopiest grin on his face and he couldn't care. Deceit hardly realized that his sweatpants were off and he was in his swimsuit. He must've kicked it off. Virgil's hands slipped into Deceit's and he pulled him out of the chair, making sure his boyfriend was balanced before all their friends cheered from seeing Deceit finally going to get in on the fun.
"Remus, Shut up! Virgil's going to yeet tou across the pool again! Stupid brother of mine... Oh! Join us Dee! Come and join us!"
"Ah, yes, you are welcome into our expedition in search of fun. Please join our ranks."
"Yaaaaaay! Virgil got Deceit to come and swim with us! Now we can do a three way chicken fight between couples so no one gets jealous!"
Deceit laughed, rolling his head back and allowing himself to enjoy this. They cleared a way as Virgil dragged the two of them to the edge of the pool. They held hands and Virgil looked over at Deceit, waiting for him to give the signal. Deceit counted in his fingers. One, two, three! The two sceeeched and jumped next into the air at the same time, making two splashes that's became one. Their hands slipped apart and Deceit stayed under water first. Virgil resurfaced and watched as Deceit did a little handstands at the bottom of the pool before flipping upwards and opening his eyes. He didn't care about no chlorine, even if it's burned. He smiled and blew an air bubble kiss at Virgil before pushing off the ground to reach the surface, taking a big breath of air.
And he smiled.
1520 Words
I'm so tired guys I'm sorry this was horrible. I just got back from a theater workshop for auditions this Wednesday and I have softball too. Weight room on odd days and the first day of a new running regimen starts tomorrow and I'm heccin scared. I'm so ready to pass out.
Advice? It's not a good thing to force anyone to do anything, however easing them into it and giving them a little nudge might be necessary. Just make sure not to cross that thin line.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!
~Eeeeeeeeeeeeva (like in WALL-E ;> that's how you pronounce my name btw)

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...