Flower Boy [Royality] (Royalty AU) (Children AU)

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Roman is basically M!Corrin. People who get the reference know what's going to happen.


Roman sprinted out of the castle the second his plan worked. The sight year old middle child prince ran out of the castle barefoot wearing clothes that would match the normally peasant's and he smiled. For the first time in forever he smiled. Nobody had ever seen the child, and nobody from the castle staff had ever seen him smile. Why? Because he was held captive. But that's not important now. The Prince is free to frolick and play around the town capital!

As he ran around, using his arms to balance himself and turn like an aircraft yet to be invented in these medieval times his eyes scanned the crowds. Many tall adult people with tired eyes carrying crates and basket shoes and children hurried around the town square. They all looked like the castle staff that Mama and Papa day employed. They always looked sad. Nobody at home in the castle would play with him because they were always busy, but Roman as smarter than most were lead to believe. That's why he shared his dinner sometimes with the first people he found! He was such a good prince!


Roman stopped, planting his feet in front of a weary peasant boy. His glasses were broken in one eye, a large crack stretching across the lens and he had chipped front teeth. He held a basket of flowers and a pendant around his neck. He was dirty but Roman didn't care. Maybe since he was outside someonody would want to play with him! Even though he's Barefoot. Only now did he realize how much nicer his clothes were than the boy's. 

"Wow, you have really pretty flowers! Gor-gee-us like my big brother Logan says! Do you want to play with me? I'd love to have some company!"

The little bot was confused and just stared at him silently for a moment. Roman frowned, looking back down at his really nice clothes. He was always told these were his peasant clothes whenever he wanted to run or whatever, but they look awesome and clean in compared to the boy's. Did he make the boy feel bad? Should he go home and get the boy new clothes? That's would be the Gentlemanly thing to do, right. Big Sister Valerie says being a gentleman is the most important thing a prince can be.

"Mama says it's wrong to play when it's working time. I gotta sell all these flowers and earn enough money to get medicine for Meemaw tonight. She's awful sick... Sorry! Mama said it's wrong to make people pity us for Meemaw's illness. I should have not said it. It's bad to be wrong."

He lowered his head, bowing in shame from doing wrong. Roman felt immense pity for the boy. He looked at the sign next to the little booth he had set up. In horrid writing it read a dozen flowers is three pence. Three pence? That's really cheap! Big Brother Leo has to spend twenty pence just getting a new dress for little sister Dahlia! That's just for a cheap peasant dress too! Roman emptied his pockets and found seven pence. Nice.

"Two dozen for six pence, yes? I'll buy two! Big Sister and Little Sister will be so happy woth you're lovely flowers! And after we sell all your flowers we can go play, right?"

The little peasant boy gasoedm looking at all the money in Roman's tiny eight year old hand. His hand was clean and the pence shined a bright gold. Well, a five pence coin was good and the one pence coin was silver. Pence only come in five and ones. Ten and above is called a Geno. Currency is weird, but that's how Big Brother Logan taught it to Roman. Roman spilled the pence into the basket and took two dozen flowers, holding them in his arms with a wide grin. The other boy also had a super big grin.

"You... you actually bought some? You gave me an extra pence... this is enough for tonight's medicine! Thank you so much! Uh... what's your name? Sorry for not asking before, Mama says it's polite to ask for someone's name. She also says asking about someone's family and money is wrong."

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