Yaaaay! I havent done a request in forever! I can't find the original comment so requestor please comment here and I'll tag you!
Logan blew his nose, grimacing to himself about his condition. He was a sick boi, but he needed to be productive or else his life will be meaningless. So Logan sat at his desk with a horridly stuffy nose and a miserable cold, writing away at his science research paper that was a conclusion of his recent chemistry experiment. He works in a lab that creates new cleaning solutions for a company his friend runs, so it is very important. It's good he doesn't experience romantic nor sexual attraction so he didn't have anyone to interrupt his work, right?
Wrong. He was so very wrong. See, this is what he gets for having friends who care about him.
Logan jumped and turned in his seat when he finally remembered that he had a roommate in his flat: Patton. They shared a living space, including a working desk. Both of them decided to share a flat because they were random roommates in college. Patton did have a crush on him before, but respects that Logan is Aro/Ace and got over it. Patton is still Logan's most trusted friend. Patton was wearing that blasted cat hoodie that Logan got him one Christmas. He hated it.
"Logan Torres-Rosario Sanders! You looks miserable! Your eyes are puffy and your skin is far too pale to be healthy! You must be sick! Get away from that desk this instant mister!"
Logan pushed his rolling chair off the wall the desk was pushed against using his feet covered in four pairs of fuzzy socks. Virgil isn't the most creative guy when it comes to Christmas's presents, clearly unlike Logan. Logan held up his hands in defeat, sniffling through the cold. There is no fighting Patton when he is in Dad mode. Patton crossed his arms and walked around behind Logan to push him in the office chair as though it was a wheelchair and Logan didn't have perfectly good legs that can be used to walk.
"Now, you are going to be put into bed and you are going to get warmed up and you're not going to get up and work on whatever that science lab report wanted you to work on, deal?"
Logan didn't say a word, Patton pushing over the carpet to get to Logan's bed. Logan stood up and flopped down into his bed face first. He flopped over and saw Patton pulling his hoodie over his head. What was he doing? Was it too warm for Patton in the apartment? Patton draped the hoodie over him like another's blanket, then tucked him in normally. It was a bit much, but Logan didn't say anything. Patton was just doing his thing and when he left then he can fix his position. Patton needs to get all the protectiveness out.
"Now you go to sleep until I wake you again, okay Logan? Go to sleep."
Patton left, leaving Logan to get some sleep. Patton closed his door, turning out his light. Logan never opened his curtains for he was hardly in his own bedroom unless he was tidying up, sleeping, or Patton wanted to have a sleepover in his room. Patton likes having sleepover Saturdays with Logan.
Logan kicked the blankets off of him, every single last one. He felt far too hot. But now he's cold, and it was just his torso with this dilemma. Logan glanced at the cat hoodie and sighed. It was the most logical choice to be the solution to his problem. His eyelids were droopy and he didn't even care any more. He took off his glasses and set them on his bedside table, sliding the hoodie over his head. Patton was slightly smaller than him, however Logan got him one that was two sizes too big because Patton likes large hoodies for too oversized for him.
It was the perfect size.
Logan closed his eyes and leaned back, not being able to breathe out of his nose. Logan's legs were much warmer than his freezing torso. It was quite an odd combination. Logan breathes through his mouth, fighting through the dehydration and tried to get some rest. It was very difficult to do, having nothing to focus on and Logan literally has no creativity. If he focused on his work, he'd just want to work. If he focused on his illness, then he'd just be wallowing in his own misery. Logan just laid there with his eyes closed waiting to enter deep sleep.
He did manage, but only after recalling the song "Green" from Cavetown once more. Logan would never have to Experience a breakup like the character in the song, but it was still pleasant to the ears.
He did finally sleep, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Patton quietly entered the room with a tray with tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. He also had some sparkling water because Patton doesn't know how to make tea the way Logan likes it and he refuses to drink soda. Patton almost dropped the tray and woke Logan up with a gasp when he saw the glorious picture painted before him. Logan ask wearing the cat hoodie! He was so adorable oh my goodness!
Patton moved Logan's glasses in a hurry so he could put the tray down and not break it because his fanboy was showing. Patton lunged for his phone in the pocket of his gray sweatpants and took a million photos, sending all of them to Roman and Virgil. He also added a green filter on the back and some Aromantic Pride heart stickers on the photos, even adding a cat filter on a few. Patton was a little nutzo when it came to picture taking, he just loved it!
When Patton was done, he fought the urge to wake him up with a kiss on his forehead. He knows Logan isn't into that and physical affection, since all he tolerates is platonic stuff and anything else makes him uncomfortable, so he didn't. Even though Patton adores platonic kisses. He respects Logan, so he shook Logan's shoulder lightly, cooing to him to wake him up with ease.
"Good Evening Sick Kitt, it's dinner time! Wake up so we can eat so you can go right back to sleep again, lovely."
Patton's whispering and nurturing voice brought Logan back into the disappointing reality. Patton smiled wide as Logan at up, rubbing his eyes. He had sweater paws. He. Had. SWEATER. PAWS!!!! Logan was completely adorable with the sweater paws! Patton bit his lip as he handed Logan is glasses, which he placed on the bridge of his nose after pushing his messy fringe back. Once the glasses were fastened on his face he glanced at the tray of food. He didn't seem surprised. He didn't say anything, so Patton went ahead and did.
"Sooooooo, do you like the Cat Hoodie now~?"
Patton watched Logan look down groggily at what he was wearing, not showing any reaction upon seeing the thing he hates that Patton wears every second he physically can. Patton really wanted his hoodie back ngl. Logan lifted his head and just stared at Patton as if he didn't understand a single word he said. Patton disregarded that and grabbed the tray, sitting it down on Logan's lap so he can begin eating. Sick Boiz need to eat after all! Sustinence!
Logan took the spoon and began eating the soup, ignoring the grilled cheese. Logan was waiting because he knows he isn't hungry and Patton really really likes grilled cheese. This is what top tier friendship looks like, my dudes.
Here is your platonic oneshot.
1275 Words
The request was for a platonic oneshot but I'm not used to those so I just made Logan Aromantic, sorry if that wasn't what you wanted, requestor.
Also all you Aromantic and Asexual and Ace-Spec Lovelies: you are not broken. You are perfectly fine and valid just the way you are. You don't need love or sex to be a valid person. You will be accepted and loved no matter what, and if you sleep with someone or love someone does not define who you are. Who you are defines who you are. Okay? Stay lovely.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...