I think this fandom needs to rethink about Patton's entire character. He's not the perfectly jubilant and innocent character we portray him as. He has firm beliefs and has issues with repression. Yes, he is a happy man and would fight 100 bees to make someone smile and definately doesn't know where babies come from, he's not exactly squeaky clean. He has flaws like every other character/person and it's more than just a once in a while sadness. I feel like we're just using the optimal portrayal of Patton and that's not right. We should explore his entire character, faults and all, especially the ones we've learned about in DWIT and Selflessness vs Selfishness, I know I reversed the order don't @ me.
Patton is controlling and firm in his beleifs. He is morally stuck and knows what his right and wrong is and refuses to let anyone cross those lines, even if there's a a chance of it being beneficial. I could go on a rant about this with various references to both the series and Joan's Tumblr but for now I will write stories....
Ah, there he is. Logan Met a man at the top of this very hill sitting on a lone yellow bench. He was maybe a year or two older than him, yet he still carried the hearts of a chil a decade younger than him. Logan just got out of college, and this man had just gotten out of a relationship.
This man never went to college because he was meant to be a House Spouse. At least, that's what he says his calling is. The two met when Logan as searching for a solitary place and found this amazing man. They talked about a great many things, and this became their favorite pastime.
It was five forty five in the evening, the sun setting in a few moments. It was a gorgeous setting over the hill facing west. Logan climbed the hill holding a book in his arms with a tote bag draped over his shoulder. He was surprised to see the thirty three year old man smiling at the sunset wearing a yellow cardigan and a red ribbon in his hair.
Yellow was his favorite color. He as a total Xanthophile. Logan taught him that term on their first meeting. Apparently your favorite color is a much better ice breaker than Logan once thought. That was what Patton taught him.
"Salutations, Patton."
The man turned his head and smiled. His freckles were as pro inant in ever with his smile spreading over his mouth. Logan couldn't help but allow his lips to curl upwards at the corners. He was working on making a fully functional smile, he hasn't done that in a while, but he still working in it.
"Hey Logan! Are you going to come and talk to me again? Because I really love talking to you! You're so smart!"
The compliments this guy gives Logan somehow, without fail, makes his chest feel warm inside. Sort of similar to the stimulation that metaphorical butterflies in your stomach would induce. Logan sat down next to Patton, setting his bag on the ground and setting his book in his lap. Patton glanced over at it and grinned.
"If I Was Your Girl? So you did take my novel suggestion! I know it's not your reading niche but I promise you it's a good one!"
Logan chuckled. Last time they were here Patton talked about this novel that his Aunt's friend's sister wrote. It was a book about a MtF Teenager named Amanda adapting to her new life and struggling with love and family after coming out.
"Yes, I have begun reading the nove, and found it to be quite the realistic experience. I can also relate to Amanda's struggles myself for various reasons I prefer not to explicitly explain. Thank you for the recommendation, Patton."
Patton smiled warmly, knowing he did something well, before looking back out at the sunset. Logan did the same thing, contemplating on what he wanted to talk to Patton about today. Though, comfortable silence sounded nice too.

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...