How long has it been since I did one of the poly ships? And I feel like I'm leaving Remus out lol. Poor bab. I could just do DAMP and give Logan to him but nah.
But... I don't write angst.... Screw it we can hide the sadness!
A red string on your dominant hand ties you to your soulmate. However, if you are a twin, you and your twin can see eachother's strings.
W A I T -
In August the two of them entered kindergarten. Remus was jealous of his twin brother, who had many strings tied to his left hand while he had absolutely none on his right hand. He was the one who always got scolded so whatever. Remus didn't need a soulmate! He has himself and that's all he needs! Uh... right? It doesn't help that everyone he meets gets scared of him. He was lucky maybe one of his brother's soulmates actually liked his company.
In August started every school year, and in August it finally dawned on Remus hat he'd have to get a life. No more creepily watching in his brother's shadow, toying with his soulmates and trying to make fun out of the terrible hand of cards life dealt him. No soulmates, hardly charming, easily sweaty, kinky as everfuking hell, swears like a sailor, and impulsive to the point of being intrusive. However he does have a pretty sick mustache. Probably his best feature. Makes him look like his husbando: Waluigi.
In August he watched Roman happily, with all his soulmates, pick out a place to live and plan out the next five years of their life. Remus watched in the corner as the five sat down at the dinner table, Logan taking notes while Roman and Patton go on and on about their ideals while Virgil's insecurities and Deceit's (prefered name not legal name) snarkiness weighed them down and brought them back to Earth. Remus was behind jelaous that he couldn't have that, but he smiled anyways. Wow, Roman was so lucky. At least he can shine like the sun and be the prince while he was destined to be the duke of the shadows for all eternity.
In August Roman moved out of their house. They left Remus and Mom and Dad. It only took a year give or take a few days for preparations to be made and enough funds between the five of them to afford the house. They all were so happy, so in love, and had a perfect chemistry together. Remus never cried, but he sure as hell felt like it that night. But it's okay. Surely he can get to a point of happiness like his brother, right?
In August Mom and Dad kicked Remus out of the house. That August he went to Roman's door and asked for help. Roman brought him in and the entire household sheltered him in warmth and love. Their poly relationship was so healthy. Evehrine resoected the other's differences while showing a plentiful amount of affection specified for that person. Remus felt like a weird uncle in a family. Remus felt happy, and Logan found the perfect job for him.
In August Remus decided to send a message back home. Not to his parents, they never really cared for him like they cared for Roman anyways. He sent a message to his brother. It turns out Remus was the perfect person for Arson and Destorying stuff so he became one of those people that tears down houses for a job and burns things. It was the perfect job for Remus and he had never been happier. Plus he found this creepy haunted apartment that he can now call home, kind of like Gru's house! He even bought a goldfish named Minion! But this Minion was based off of the superiors Megamind movie, not the little yellow demons that took over Facebook.
In August Remus became an Uncle. Roman and his soulmates all agreed that they wanted to raise a family, not just a bunch of pets. Though Virgil wouldn't give up his precious dog for anything. Two weeks during that month went by before Remy old meet his darling little niece and his precious little nephew. Their names? Roman and the gang let them choose their own names, and they introduced themselves to Remus accordingly.

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...