All Women are Queens
All Men Are Kings
All Nonbinaries are Royalty
Fight me
Emily was always very insecure on her feminine days, and today happened to be one of those very days. How Remy knew? Every morning when Emm/Emile/Emily wakes up they put a colored dot on the mirror in the master bathroom. Today the colored dot was pink, telling Remy right away to use she/her pronouns. Emily always woke up early, and when Remy woke up, he would instantly go take a shower; then do his makeup in the bathroom. It's a system that works. Besides, the shower helps Remy wake up. Scalding hot water really jolts you awake.
Now back to the first sentence: Remy knew how insecure Emily could be on her female days because she was born in the male body and couldn't wear most feminine clothes in public without getting many stares and many insults. People really just need to be more accepting of her and others like her, but they aren't. That really got Emily down and got her dysphoric, which was less than ideal. While Remy was in the shower he did what all people do: have his best ideas. Today he had a really good idea.
After Remy did all his makeup and got his clothes on, he made his way out of the bedroom with his normal sassy swagger and made his way to the kitchen. Emily loves cooking. She experiments with new recipes and sometimes makes pancake art of her favorite cartoon characters. Remy's lock screen is her holding up her plate with a stitch pancake, smiling her widest smile. Lilo and Stitch was her favorite movie of all time! Emily was Emile that day, but she's still beautiful.
Remy sneaked around and snaked his arms around Emily's waist, pulling her in and embracing her by surprise. She gasped and dropped her spatula on the ground. Whoopsie doodles, there goes that. Looks like she'll need a clean one for her cooking. She was wearing an apron with little cute ruffled on the bottom and polka dots, women's jeans, and a lavender shirt that Remy and got her that says "All Women Are Queens" in rainbow letters. Remy pressed a tender kiss on her forehead, a surefire way to get his girlfriend to smile.
"Hello my gorgeous, beautiful woman. How is my pretty princess today? Wonderful? Beauitful? Talented? All of the above? Ahhhhhh, There we go, that's the smile I adore more than anything. That beautiful smile of a beautiful woman who I love more than anything and anyone in this entire world. My valid, optimistic, jubilant, vibrant, excellent, astonishing girlfriend~"
Remy looked over the Pan to see scrambled eggs. So she was in the mood for eggs today? Nice. The cheese was on the counter, not sprinkled in yet. Double Nice. Remy just hoped there was bacon. You can't have scrambled eggs without bacon! Especially since Emily makes the best cheesy eggs. She puts in Cheddar and Parmesan and Feta, then adds some seasonings that make it low key spicy. Cajun Women really know how to cook! Trust the author here, she knows firsthand. :)
"Oh my goodness! I love you too baby! Good morning! What's all this for, love? Is it a special day I'm forgetting or did you just wake up in a really good mood?"
Remy didn't answer, he just spun his lovely girlfriend around and placed a big fat red one on her lips. When he broke off he saw red smeared on her mouth. Drat, he didn't color inside the lines. But where's the fun in making a perfect lip imprint on her anyways? He made his lips a thin line, trying to even the color remaining on his own. He's going to have to do his lipstick again, but what matters is that Emily knows she is loved and she is an amazing woman. She is a beauitful girl, and with red lisptick smeared all over her face: she was even prettier. Her eyes were wide and she was surprised, which gave Remy the smirk of a lifetime. He loves surprising her~

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...