This one has to be my favorite ship for Deceit and a very close second to my favorite for Roman. I adore My first Sanders Sides one shot after completely changing.... I wonder if my writing will change too?
A Favela is a shanty town in South America off off a well planned city. In places like Caracas there are people who oferflooded the population and had to build their own neighborhoods so they could follow a job. This is what become of it and now the economy is pretty much busted. Poor Venezuela :(
Welcome to the most murderous city in the world: Caracas Venezuela. This is Engaño's home, but in English his name is Deceit. Is real name doesn't matter because that's not anybody's concern. In fact, his only concern was kidnapping anyone who seems wealthy enough to be held for s good enough ransom to pay off both the police and his monthly expenses to live. He goes solo, much easier to get money but also harder to do the work. Deceit doesn't mind. He is a viper, and he stalks before going for the kill.
Right now his target was a pretty boy about his age. And when Deceit means pretty, he means pretty damn wealthy. He seemed like he came directly out of the good side of El Salvador pretty. That means his family is bound to be rich and will pay Deceit handsomely for ransom. Perfect. Now all he had to do was stalk him for a few days and make the perfect strike where no witnesses would be found. Besides, he might be able to snatch a few valuables to sell on the black market later at a price low enough to get it sold but high enough to have value.
"Sé que me estás mirando. I know you're watching me. Deja de ser un cobarde y sal. Stop being a coward and come out."
He translated everything he said. Smart. He doesn't know if his stalker is from another nation, and most of the world speaks English universally. It turns out that pretty boy is also smart. Deceit waited for a moment until the boy turned in his direction. It was the first time he could get a good look at the face of his target. Just like his slender yet string physique would suggest, his jawline was square and his eyes were round and beautiful.
"Te Veo. I see you."
Deceit slunk upright like a slinkie, making sure his movements were elegant yet intimidating. He can't let this man know he was poor and trying to capture him. That would ruin then wntire point of this venture, and the police at this past or town aren't exactly bribable. Deceit can't afford to lose here. He needs this one. He needs the money so desperately. He needs to Oviedo in this shabby little down and brain drain the hell out of here. Maybe if he can save enough to go to someplace like El Salvador everything will be so much better. But now he needs to act like a wealthy gentleman and pretend like this was all just one big misunderstanding.
"Forgive me, amigo, I did not mean to stare."
"Oh, so you fluently speak English? That would make this extange much easier. What were you doing watching me? I demand an explanation now or I go and get the authorities."
Shit. This guy didn't play around. Deceit noticed a man close behind him with a baseball bat covered in dried blood. Deceit felt a small sweat cover his brow. They looked almost identical, right down to the same height, the only difference being that the other guy wore more green than red and he nad a mustache. Regardless, Deceit don't want to find out how that man relates to this one. Now, what kind of lie could he get? He was caught in a very awkward spot. How could he possibly brush this off? Deceit didn't dare open his mouth. Maybe he can outrun the police officers and slip off? Yeah. That sounds like his best bet.
Deceit out his foot back to run whenever this man is off guard, but apparently he was too smart for him. The man grabbed his wrist and lunged his right foot forward. He chuckled and shook his head. How could one read someone like Deceit? Pretty boy comes from an entirely different world! Deceit was starting to panic.
"Ah, I see. You're a poor man who wants to use me to get my family to pay you. You're stalking me. I won't allow it. Come, follow."
He then turned around and started walking fast. Deceit felt a hand on his shoulder. With a shudder, he looked over his shoulder and saw the same identical mustache man grinning evilly. He used his eyes to gesture over to pretty boy. Deceit became a good boy and followed this guy, and really damn close to him because this guy with the facial hair scared him.
Deceit was taken across the shanty city to a more well built side. Like, the side that used to be a very exciting wealthy town. Deceit remembered this place being a bustling business venture. Deceit used to walk to work over this way back when Venezuela wasn't fucking trashed. The pretty boy stopped and turned around to smile at Deceit. Woah. Deceit didn't realize people could have a smile that white. It almost made Deceit believe that Disney princes from his childhood were a real thing. He needs to stop blushing. He still needs to get his money for this month or he's gonna be the next murder story brushed under the carpet by the corrupt police.
"Come in. And don't mind my brother. He's really weird. He won't hurt you, I wON'T LET HIM!"
He yelled at someone behind Deceit. He dared not turn around to see the guy with the baseball bat again. He acted unfazed, but Deceit is real good to play stuff off. Pretty boy held open the door and Deceit went inside and looked around. It was really nice for a house in Venezuela. It's like they actually had enough money. Deceit cleared his throat. It's time to take back the dominence in this scenario.
"Wow, this is a lovely home. Are we even in Venezuela? If it weren't for the broken rustbucket houses surrounding this place I would think we were in somewhere like Puerto Rico or America. Well, not Puerto Rico after that hurricane in 2018."
"You're really funny, aren't you? Sit down, I'll make us some drinks and we can talk. I know money is scarce, everyone's is very angry and hungry, and I feel horrible about that. I came from Florida in America to help with a College Program. I need to shut up and make tea."
He chuckled again and went into the kitchen, just off the area Deceit was sitting in. Deceit nearly jumped when he heard the front door open and close again. The guy from earlier seemed calmer now, munching on what's looked like an empty banana peel. He threw a peace sign at Deceit. Since deceit had never seen that before he just awkwardly sent one back. The guy snickered and walked into a room offhand. Cool. Is that an American greeting? Well it looked kinda cool. Deceit might do that with friends if he ever made any. Probably not. Roman came back with two heccin clean cups. Deceit threw a peace sign just like garbage eater man did and he laughed, handing him his tea.
"Remus got to you, didn't he? He's soooo cringe. I hate him so much ha ha. Don't be so silent, friend! There should be no walls between us!"
Call Deceit a cliché little niño perra but that really stuck a chord with him. Deceit took a long sip of tea. Wow, uh, this is really good tea. For the first time in a while Deceit felt calm. Tranquillo. It's nice. Screw the rich and poor! This is really nice....
1242 Words
I'm sorry this came out bad. I let y'all down. I'm tried bleh.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...