Reborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...
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And Vote if you support Trans Joltiks
In Sinnoh the gym in Sunnyshore was torn down after Volkner retired, two boys creating their own smaller gym in Floaroma Town. Sure, it was a tiny village, however the two boys were happy. Plus Fairy types were new to the region and Cynthia was more than happy to bring some modern flair to the Sinnoh League. That's how the lovers: Patton and Roman had gotten their gym after Roman had the courage to come out.
Roman had just chopped off all his hair and got his first chest binder too. He didn't care how girly and traditionally femme fairy types were. He and his boyfriend Patton loved fairy types with every fiber of their being! The difference between the two of them is that Patton is more of a grass/Normal/Bug kind of fairy type guy while Roman is a steel/Fire/Flying Kinda of fairy type guy. The two kinds of gays.
Unlike what they expected, children and adults alike were very accepting of the two. They didn't make a big fuss over the two of them being gay and openly accepted the couple into the Sinnoh Region after fleeing Johto. Johto wasn't as progressive yet, but they were getting there. Floaroma town also embraced Roman afternoon learning he was trans, accepting him and showering him with their love. So in honor of this wonderful town, this was their gym. It had finally been fully built.
Roman wiped his brow with his lovely childhood friend Grandbul at his side, both of them covered with dirt and scuffed up from gardening. The entire gym was filled with gorgeous yellow sunlight and bright yellow daffodils. Yellow was Patton's favorite color. He had been gushing about how cool the gym would look with flowers everywhere, so Roman finally did it. He also put rainbows along the walls and at the back painted a Trans Pride flag on where they stand for their double battle. He turned to his partner, going in for the first bump.
"I think Patton's gonna love it, yeah? Yeah."
The Pokémon and the human fist bumped, doing the goofy Big Hero Six "fa la la la la la la" afterwards. And no, that was not supposed to be then Christmas song. Roman shifted the binder he wore, feeling a bit of fatigue. That means he should probably take it off, but he feels awkward and weird with it off. He sighed, looking down at himself and stifling a laugh.