So ChelleBug10 started an Analogical Oneshots Book and I gave them some prompts and it inspired me to write some Analogical in between doing school assignments so ya.
"That's enough, Virgil. You've done your best and you've made several valid points. Thank you for being on guard, however for your own safety I'll have to ask you to duck out. I don't want you ending up hurt."
Virgil jerked up to see Logan, his hair knotted and in his fists and his makeup smudged from the tears he was forcing in. There was a large argument. Roman and Logan were protecting Virgil from Deceit and Remus trying to drag him back to the hell that is the dark sides. Patton ducked out already, his fragile heart being unable to take it. Thomas stood in the middle as Roman and Remus 'played' with their katana and mace respectively. Deceit stood in Patton's place, beckoning Virgil and telling him that he was good for nothing while Logan fought him with logic. Virgil just remembered going into overdrive and screaming as loud as he possibly could, trying to get them all to shut up. Then... this happened.
Thomas stared at him with big, brown, sad puppy dog eyes. Thomas no. Thomas don't be afraid. Don't be scared and don't hate him and don't be mad. That's virgil's Biggest fear: letting his boy down. Thomas was like the little brother he had sworn to protect with his life. If he couldn't do that, then he was nothing but a failure.
"Thomas.... no... don't look at me like that. Please Thomas you know I'm not..."
"Virgil, that's enough. I have said it once and I will say it again until you do as I instruct. You have done enough. You are not letting Thomas, Patton, Roman, nor I down. I can assure you with one hundred percent accuracy that everything is okay and the last possible thing I want is for you to end up hurt. Please follow my words and sink out. You don't need to be in this argument anymore. You did perfectly fine and you fought well. Thank you for your contributions, and thank you for joining us."
Logan did something entirely unheard of. Well, he had done this before but he did it to Thomas back during the Puzzle Song, not to another side. Thomas gasped now and took a step back as he watched Logan walk around the stairs to meet Virgil. Logan stood before him, waiting for Virigl to stand up or sink out. Virigl did the first of the two, confused. Logan took Virgil and shoved him forward, as if he was trying find embrace him without using his arms. His chin rested on Logan's shoulder. He whispered a secret to Virgil.
"I swear to you on the name of Thomas himself that I won't allow him to be tempted by the lies of Deceit and the demented suggestions of Remus. You have done your part, and I am far too fond of you to see you hurt anymore. I shall fight in your stead, so please leave. I am asking as someone who loves you."
Logan used the L word. Virgil stepped back, staring in his eyes. It was clear he wasn't going to be moving from the spot where Virgil normally sat, keeping to his word as literally as possible. Virgil took a deep breath in and ducked out, feeling like it was okay to leave his boy to Logan and Roman. Thomas was just as much their boy as he was his boy. Maybe he could go find Patton and they could eat cookies and watch a few episodes of the Tangled series while they waited for things to boil over and for Thomas to learn whatever hard lesson Logan and Roman were gallantly fighting for. Good prevails against evil. The heroes always get remembered, but we all know villains never die. Well, if you don't know now you know.
An hour and a half passed and Virgil went back to his own room when Roman came back with ripen in his clothing and sweat covering his face. Patton ran to embrace him, clean him up, and praise him for how he fought against his brother. Virgil asked what happened from Roman sjortly when Patton left to get a towel, but Roman told him to ask Logan because he never wanted to, no he SWORE somebody to not, talk about it again.
Confused and looking for answers, Virigl sunk back up in the living room to see Thomas standing there, in the middle of talking with Logan. Virgil went to Logan's spot because his was taken. So Logan had stayed in his spot the entire time. It was off not being able to sit, but whatever. His rise in was really catty-whompus so he fumbled and hung onto the banister for dear life, tearing the attention from both of them away from eachother and over to him. Thomas seemed disturbed, but he was okay. Virgil let out a sigh of relief. That's all that matters: that Thomas and Logan are okay.
"Logan, Thomas... is everything okay? I know I missed everything and I know I wasn't able to protect you... but please let me know that everything is okay."
"Of course I'm okay, Virgil. Just... shaken at what Deceit was jabbing at. He kept telling me that it's not okay to be venerable or anxious and stupid things like that. You know, the exact opposite of the entire reason why I accepted and love having you with me. I could never think you're a bad guy, Virgil. You're my big strong brother just looking out for me. So don't worry about me seeing you as a dark side, because you're Not. Not anymore. You're better than that. You're Virgil."
Virigl grinned the cheesiest, happiest grin he could ever grin. He wiped his eyes to rid himself of a tear that wanted to slip from the corner, trying to make him out to be a crybaby. Not today. So Thomas feels the exact same way as him? Virgil wanted to hug him so bad, but he knows he shouldnt. So instead he leaned his arm forward, not doing the stretchy thing that Thomas hates, and reached for a high five. Thomas happily returned it. Both of them heard a deep chuckle from Logan. He was smiling with his arms crossed, clearly happy that this had happened. Both of them turned their attention to Logan.
"It's the same as I told you before, we love you Virgil. As for you, Thomas, remember what we talked about. Healthy expression of all emotions, even negative ones or ones perceived as others as 'weak' is key to having a good mental health and being a well rounded individual. It is not inhumane nor ridiculous to be nervous, to be angered, to be saddened, or to be anything else that I may not be aware of. Again, feelings are not my strong suit. Now, it is time for us to duck out. Come along, Virgil. I'm sure Thomas would much enjoy having some quality time with Joan, Adri, Quil, and Leo now."
Logan began sinking out, so Virigl followed along too after giving Thomas a small gesture goodbye. It was like an awkward salute but his two fingers he used were apart like he was giving a peace sign. Welcome to MySpace, everyone. Good to have ya. Virgil went back to his room to immediately have a knock on it. The door magically swung open and Logan entered. He sat himself next to Virgil on the floor, conjuring two nice and warm cups of some sort of green tea. He handed one to Virgil.
"Hey Logan? Thank you so much. I needed to get out of there, no matter how much I didn't want to. It's like life or death every time one of them show up, because they remind me of how I used to be. And I hate it. And I never want to be that again."
"I am aware of that acutely, Virgil, which is why I sent you out. You are also precious to me, so it angers me when I see you upset. It physically alters my bodily language, which was odd. Roman told me about that and Deceit made an attack on me based on that. I have no idea why that needed to be brought up in this conversation, but I did and there's no taking words back. What I'm trying to get around to saying, Virgil, is that I care for you. And I don't need you overdoing yourself. I don't need you trying to become a martyr. I don't want to see you in pain or hurt. I love you, Virgil."
Virgil leaned his head silently on Logan's shoulder, making the very last l sound of his name cut off too short followed by an awkward silence. Virgil never drank the tea in his hands, he justness held it to warm up his fingers. After a few moments so he can capture his breathing right, he spoke. He was choking up sharp breaths as he did, but that's okay.
"I love you too, Logan. I love you so much. Thank you for everything and- I love you Logan."
And that's enough.
1540 Words
I always see Virgil as Thomas's older brother figure because Patton is literally the Dad and Logan is such a Mom and Roman is also an older brother. It's just a great family dynamic and I wanted to build on that.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

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FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...