I wanted to do something super cute. I just came back from the gym and I have those feel good hormones so imma give y'all those feel good hormones.
Patton giggled as he used some of Virgil's brighter acrylic paints he never used to make little pictures on the wall. He stole his greens and yellows and pinks and found a wall in the hallway that nobody really goes down, because it's the hallway towards the dream making station. Only Roman and sometimes Remus on a bad day come down this hallway and they wouldn't scold Patton at all for painting on the walls. He sang a cute song from the internet under his breath as he painted the sharpied drawing of Kermit on the baby blue wall.
"🎵The one who started rap-tap-tapping on my downcast brow. Was it you, I wonder? Am I wrong‚ I wonder? I want to open my eyes‚ but I'm still scared Sunset... somehow‚ it's sad... Please, wait for me! Because I'll call for you lots and lots very soon... 🎵"
"🎵Stop saying things that seem so ordinary! After all, I just want your true feelings, You say I'm still just a child‚ right? Sunset... somehow, it's sad Please, wait for me! Because I'll call for you lots and lots very soon...🎵"
🎵Stop saying things that seem so ordinary! After all‚ I just want your true feelings, You say I'm still just a child, right? I know that! I want to change, though! Please teach me, softly, softly... Turn the key to a new world I want to hug you from behind, or something like that! I know I'm just a bit immature....🎵"
Patton kept on painting the happy frog, having several drawings spread about on the Wally and outlined in sharpie almost masterfully. Patton had practiced loads drawing Kermit! He likes Kermit! He opened the first bottole of paint and got his brush ready, squirting a little bit on the paper plate so he could use it as a palette. He was so blissfully unaware that he was being watched by the most least likely person to be down this hallway at all.
Logan stood and watched Patton with his arms crossed. For a parental figure he was certainly horrible at being a responsible role model. Logan supposed it couldn't be helped. He was the most childlike and innocent of all the sides. Logan watched as he painted along the wall, not saying a word. He hated to admit it but Patton had a talent for drawing the character, and there was no morbidity to the drawing unlike what Remus drew on the walls. It was harmless. Maybe Logan should say something to Patton.
"You have quite the steady hand, optimal for painting on a surface with gravity pulling down the art medium."
Patton didn't flinch, he just turned his head, finishing a stroke within one of the tiny Kermit memes and smiled at Logan. Wowie, he didn't expect Logan of all people to be here with him! Did he just get here or was he watchin for a while? It didn't really bother Patton all too much. In fact, it overjoyed him that he had company! Painting all alone would be so boring. It's gonna ex great and even more fun now that he had someone to talk to while he does it!
"Thanks Logan! Hey, why don't you come sit next to me? We can talk and have a small moment of relaxation! Thomas is trying to take a nap and I think it'd be nice to take a break ourselves."
Thomas was actually trying to take a short nap for maybe an hour. He just finished rehearsals for a community theater show he got casted for not too long back and he deserved the rest for his hard work. Roman and Virgil were taking care of the dream, Virgil wanting him to dream about something other than the rehearsal because he was still reeling due to a small footing mistake Thomas made. Roman was gonna calm him down while they made a sweet dream for Thomas to nap to.
"Well, yes, I agree that's logically sound. If I am not busying myself would make it easier for Thomas to have an impactful rest. Are you sure you wouldn't mind me being here? I wouldn't want to ruin your concentration."
"No! I mean, yes! Please stay! Honestly I'm surprised you aren't scolding me for painting on the walls like Remus does sometimes."
Lagoon sat down on his knees next to Patton awkwardly as Patton giggled, shifting his weight as he took his brush again to continue painting all the green on the Kermits. Might as well use all you need of the color first so you don't keep washing the brush when you don't need to. It ruins the brush doing that! Patton kept his legs criss cross applesauce as he finished up the layer and then washed the brush in a water bottle he finished drinking and filled with some tap water. See! Recycling! When he's done Patton's gonna turn the bottle into a little pot for a plant.
"This character is Kermit the Frog from the show The Muppet Show, the characters being revived In the Muppet Movies and Seasame Street."
"Yeah! The kiddos on the internet make these cute little wholesome posts using little Kermit Puppets and Dolls and I really really like them! So I wanted to paint a few that I saw online because they're just really cute and wholesome and pure and... you know! I like seeing the little happy frogs!"
Logan chuckled and rolled his eyes at how spontaneous the moral side could be sometimes. Logan doesn't smile often, but normally it's because of one of two reasons: One- When he's being praised. Two- when someone does one of the most trivial domestic things and it makes him smile and feel wholesome for no reason in particular. This was obviously an example of reason number two for a Logan smile. Patton also happened to be the reason for Logan to smile for reason number two almost 87% of the time. The stupid happy frog thing made Logan smile. Gosh darn it Patton.
"Is that a smile I see Logan~"
"Oh you hush."
"It so is! Ha ha!"
"Quiet, Patton, we don't want to disturb Thomas's nap. Here, allow me to assist with your mural of 'Happy Frogs'. Just tell me what color goes where and we can have the entire wall painted in 50% or the original time the task would take of you doing it alone."
Patton grinned and handed him a paint brush, Logan was confused until he noticed on the wall that each spot that was supposed to be a specific color had a small dot of paint of what color it was supposed to be. How? Logan then noticed the colored sharpies by Patton's side. Ah, so it wasn't paint. Patton could be quite smart when he wanted to be, coudlnt he? Logan chuckled again and took the lighter lime green, painting the collars of each Happy Kermit with that color while Patton painted in a bunch of tiny pink hearts littered over the wall, surrounding the Kermits. Before long, Patton began to sing again. A song that Logan isn't know and just assumed it was from the internet.
"🎵The one who started rap-tap-tapping on my downcast brow. Was it you, I wonder? Am I wrong‚ I wonder? I want to open my eyes‚ but I'm still scared Sunset... somehow‚ it's sad... Please, wait for me! Because I'll call for you lots and lots very soon... 🎵"
"🎵Stop saying things that seem so ordinary! After all, I just want your true feelings, You say I'm still just a child‚ right? Sunset... somehow, it's sad Please, wait for me! Because I'll call for you lots and lots very soon...🎵"
🎵Stop saying things that seem so ordinary! After all‚ I just want your true feelings, You say I'm still just a child, right? I know that! I want to change, though! Please teach me, softly, softly... Turn the key to a new world I want to hug you from behind, or something like that! I know I'm just a bit immature....🎵"
Thinking about it, he was singing the same exact song as he was softly mumbling under his breath earlier. But this time he sang it out for Logan to hear and enjoy too. Patton always had a more soft version of Thomas's voice, putting his own individuality on the vocal range he was given. Logan was never a singer nor a music man, but he had to admit the cutesy song fitted Patton's voice and character nicely. He was also quite talented at singing, just like the rest of the assets of Thomas because Thomas is a singer. He just invalidated his own point. Your argument is invalid.
So yeah. They painted happy Kermit frogs on the wall. Your argument is even more invalid because.... fluff.
1500 Words
Yep, on the dot. I hope you enjoyed some of those feel good hormones I am willingly giving to you. Also wish me luck on finals week.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...