If I wrote a Dr. Picani x Reader fanfic would anyone read it?
"Good morning, Planet."
Emm groggily mutters those same words every morning every day whenever their alarm goes off. They sit up and stretch, sitting there and waiting to see. Then they reach over for one of the colored wristbands on their bedside table. One's made with pink and white, another made with green and blue. The last wristband, the one that they reached for today, was made with yellow and orange. Orange is such an underrated color, can we just appreciate the color orange more? Thank you!
Emm would then stand up and go get dressed just like normal, ready to seize the day. They'd open their closet and filter through the many shirts and dresses they hand sectioned off. The section in the very center was where they were grabbing from today. Today is a genderqueer day, meainging they use the name Emm and use they/them pronouns. Emm was looking for If a very specific shirt today...
There it is! A cream hued shirt with darkness green stripes going all the way across. It was cropped a bit, but that's okay. With what Emm planned on wearing their belly wouldn't be showing. It's just the sides of their midriff that would feel the spring sun today. They smiled and placed the shirt on their bed, going back for the light blue overalls they planned on wearing with it. They also threw in their boxers and chest binder and boom! Now they're ready to get ready for the day!
After getting on all their clothes and wearing some simple makeup, (just some fake freckles because they want freckles really bad but don't have them. A trick a friend Ben taught them) they were ready to venture out into the world! They are a granola bar and a small cup of yogurt before leaving their house and locking the door behind them. It's a Sunday Morning so the therapist's Office is closed today. That meant Emile could spend time with their boyfriends as well as Be productive today! Hooray!
First thing's first, it's almost nine in the morning. That meant Emm had to go in the park for the protest today. A protest for what? Well, the city wants to demolish the park and fill up the natural river running through it for urbanization. Emm and several other people were against it, so they were going to a peaceful protest against it. Emm didn't have time to make a sign, but that's okay. Hopefully they can stall the construction people today long enough to make them reconsider.
They went to the park and were handed a painted sign from s Fourteen year old girl who smiled and wore her long, dark brunette hair in pigtails. Emm thanked her and stood with the Group in front of the river. Some chanted, some argued, and other stayed silent. Emm watched as the construction workers made several phone calls, unsure of what to do. People got intimidated and tired. Some left after a while, but that's okay. It didn't take too long after the newspeople arrived when Emm got a video call from one of their boyfriends. They opened it and both of them were on the other side, clearly concerned and on some sort of lunch date.
"Emm? Babes, what are you doing on the news! It's totes cool but we don't need ya gettin good hauled off by the Police!"
"Remy, calm down. It's not like they told us about the even they were going to today in the park. But we want you to be careful, Emm. We love you and don't want you getting hurt. Promise use you'll stay safe over there, okay?"
"Okay, guys. I love you Remy! I love you Dee Dee! Gotta go! Bye!"
Emm waved at the phone, ending the quick call when they saw the reporter lady walking towards them. They just smiled and held their sign, proud to be protecting the park and the river here. The natural resources of this world need to be protected and maintained. Hello, Planet. Yes, some of us are trying to protect you. We want you to stay healthy and loving and please forgive those who are too selfish to care for you. The lady put the microphone in their face, questioning them for her newsshow.
"You! Uh... Sir? Ma'am? Who cares! Why are you here stopping the city from building new houses and buildings? The world wants to know!"
"Well, for starters there are many different organisms who live here. There are plenty of fish and squirrels and birds who live in this park who will have nowhere else to go when it's destoryed. There's also all these plants that give us oxygen we need to breathe in extange for our carbon dioxide we breathe out. They're just here, living and being beneficial to us in the city. Plants are living things too, so why should we be cruel to them? Then there's the fact that so many people come to this park for sanctuary and leisure it would be a shame to lose it. There are many joys and blessings even just a small area can give and by standing up for it, we are also standing up for the rest of the world: inspiring others to stand up for the forests being cut down and the oceans filling up with garbage. I'm sorry for going on such a long rant, but every word I say is truth."
Emm just smiled at the lady, who looked severely annoyed at Emm for speaking so long. They waved at the camera just to wave at their boyfriends who were somewhere else before walking away, asking if anyone needs help and making sure everyone st the protest is in good spirits. This is what a peaceful protest looks like. Westbrook Baptist Church, take notes.
The protest ended soon, the construction workers left in defeat, and Emm didn't go home. Instead they walked down Main Street to get to Remy's clothing store. The official Remy brand. He and Dee ought to be here. When Emm opened the door and made their favorite little Bell ring, both boyfriends looked up and saw them. Remy hopped off of the counter he wasn't sitting on and ran up to them, giving them a giant bear hug. Dee hurried over too, but didn't do anything too dramatic.
"Oh my gosh! Are you okay babes? They didn't hurt our precious Emm did they? If so I'll make them regret it! All tea and all shade!"
Remy squeezed Emm quick, then letting them go to examine their body for any sort of injuries. All they had was a scrape on the knee from tripimg over the bridge over the river in the park when leaving. Emm just smiled, leaning forward to give Remy a assuring kiss on the nose. He hated that. He always got a pink face every time Emm is that. They giggled and looked over at Dee, who was just warmly smiling despite the fact half of his face couldn't do so. Freak accident that gave him scars that prevented the left half of his face from expressing any emotion.
"We are very proud of you, Emm. You've done an absolutely horrible job.... in the Mayor's eyes. But in everyone else's? You were a hero standing up for your own beliefs."
Emm fell into Dee's arms, feeling his warm embrace around them. Emm sighed with a smile, feeling quite content with life right now. Remy then walked around, taking the both of them in his arms. It was a polyhug! All three members of the polyamorous relationship were in one hug. Emm was the one who thought of that one.
Hello Planet, Emm Hopes that you are safe and proud of them for what they've done today. Tomorrow they shall do the same thing, no matter if tomorrow they are a Man, a Woman, Both, or Niether. Tomorrow they will be a person fighting for what they believe in, and what they believe in is you: Planet. Please continue to grow big and strong and please forgive those who mistreat you, for they do not represent all of mankind, womankind, and queerkind. Oh, and one more thing...
Hello Planet, thank you for blessing Emm with the two most wonderful men in the universe to be their boyfriends.
1390 Words
I listened to the piano rendition of the song and I felt I had to do something with a beautiful meaning behind it, so I tried.
Stand up for what you think is right. Follow yours heart and listen to your opinions. Your opinions matter and should be respected. Unless it's something that's degrades another human being like racism or homophobia. Fight for what you think is right and don't let anyone mistreat you for following what your heart and mind can agree upon.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...