I feel like Bisexual, Pansexual, and Polysexual individuals feel guilty for having a crush on their opposite gender. So this is for you.
Emile couldn't help but smile while drawing in his little notebook. He was drawing a bunch of Pokémon because he loved playing Pokémon when he was little. He had his old little game boy that his parents covered with pink paint because Emile wanted a pink one and pink ones weren't made yet. He remembered Pokémon Crystal and Sapphire and Fire Red and he loved them so much! He was actuslly drawing his old johto team. He doesn't care if it was a bad team strategically, but he loves his little babs!
So he has his little Mareep, his Chikorita, his Hoothoot, his Senret, His Eevee (with a necklace of the sun to symbolize how she would become an adorable Espeon), his Spinark, and his Corsola! Emile finished sketching the third like on in his journal when he heard a knock on his door. He hollered for whoever was on the other side to go ahead and come in. He didn't expect to see his husband with one of his friends from the old photos from his college and Highschool days. Emile recognized her as Maria.
"Hey boo, I just need you to talk to my friend here. See, MarMar keeps doubting her bisexuality because she has the hots for this one guy and she doesn't want to admit it. She won't listen to me: the fucking Bisexual, so I decided to bring her to you. Mar, sit down. We're gonna have a chat."
That's a lot of information to just be thrown at his face! Emile closed his book, understanding the problem. He was a huge Polysexual man so he understood the doubts that come with your sexuality. People always told him he's just Pan or he's just Bi his entire life. He believed that for a while, but neither labels really fit him and it was a really weird time. The girl bowed her head letting her hair cover her eyes as she sat down on the couch. Remy walked over to Emile, giving him a kiss, before leaning against the wall and supervising. Emile knows he shares a sort of big brother little sister relationship with Maria so of course. Emile took a deep breath, the surprise session causing him to have a little nervousness.
"Maria, do you want to explain what's going on? Are you having doubts about your bisexuality?"
"Well, uh, yeah. I mean... every time I look at him I feel butterflies and I feel so much love it hurts. He makes me smile and I always wanna see him. He's, Like, super cool! He has the cool hair from 2007 and piercings in his lip and he dyed his hair dark blue. He plays electric guitar and is very skilled with music and he likes all the same bands I do! He's adorkable and just awesome and he has a killer sense of style and... he's a boy. I feel like I'm straight when I look at him. I just feel guilty for saying I'm bisexual when I am chasing after a hetero relationship... ya'know?"
She was playin with her fingers and looking everywhere except at Emile and Remy. Emile turned his head to see Remy very disappointed. He looked extremely annoyed at her. Emile turned back to see her frowning. This clearly was a giant concern of hers. This was something that bothered her a lot. Remy never went through a denial phase like Emile had. He doesn't have the personal experience or understand. Emile stood up and sat down on the couch next to Maria. He never does this with patients, but she was a friend. She was family to him and his husband. Emile wrapped Ann arm around her shoulder and gave her a sideways hug as she let out breaths that resembled sobs, but with no tears.
"Maria, Bisexual means you're attracted to two genders. Guys and Gals. You're allowed o feet eel these things for this guy. The label you chose to give yourself tells people "Hey! I like girls, but I'm also into guys! I'm not exactly gay, but I'm not exactly straight either!" So you're doing nothing against that. You shouldn't feel guilty for who you end up falling in love with. There your business. That's your love. You should identify however makes you comfortable and however describes you. You can love guys as a bi girl. There's nothing wrong with that and nobody will discriminate or hate you for it. You can still be bisexual and be in a hetero relationship. Trust me when I say I have been in the very same situation as you."
"Really Really. So please don't cry, Maria. You will always be family to Remy and I no matter what. The two of us will always be here for you and will always offer to help whenever we can. Right Rem?"
"Damn right! What'd I say Maria? Am I right or am I right?"
Maria laughed at Remy calling out her BS, rolling her eyes and wiping away the tears that rolled down her cheeks. Maria stood up and thanked Emile, going to give Remy a big ol' bear hug before she left the office. Remy sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets, watching her go with a fond smile on his face. Yep, defiantly a protective older brother over her. Emile stood up and stood next to him, bumping into his shoulder a bit teasingly. Remy scoffed and rolled his eyes. They didn't need words to have that entire conversation, however they did start a new one once she left.
"Thanks, Emm. I know that was unexpected and happened really fast but she really needed to hear that from someone other than yours truly. She doesn't get things through her thick skull when I tell her stuff! It's totes annoying! But... I love her. She's like the little sister I never had and someone's gotta look out for her."
"I get it, I really do. You know I went through something similar."
There was a silence again, the fan in Emile's office taking over all sound. Remy went over to the couch and flopped down lazily, not giving any bothers. Emile just laughed and went back to his desk, opening the journal up and going back to his drawings. He could talk to his husband while drawing if he really wanted to. Sometimes the two of them just like being in eachother's company while doing literally nothing. It's a comfortable silence and it's like a time for the two of them to recharge after whatever happens.
But Remy didn't last long. Today must be a clingy day for him. Remy stood back up and walked over to look over Emile's shoulders, watching him draw the tiny little pockets monserts all over his page. He laughed quietly and kissed Emile's temple.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
"I love you mostest."
"Okay fiiiiiine. You win."
1165 Words
Oof that was horrible. Didn't get to 1500 Words like I'm trying to get to, sorry to bro a huge disappointment again.
But yeah, people who are attracted to multiple genders: if you are attracted to someone of the opposite sex you are 100% valid and it doesn't change your sexuality. Rmemsber this and don't feel guilty over this. If you are able to be attracted to the opposite gender it's going to happen. Hetero crushes happen to Bi, Pan, Poly, and Ace individuals all the time! It's completely okay! Rmemsber Shakespeare and Hamilton? Both Bi! So don't worry about it. You are still you and you are still who you say you are even if you find yourself in a hetero crush or reltioanship. That doesn't erase your bisexuality, pansexuality, polysexuality, or asexuality.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...