Request from alleafromstardew. This is more or less a continuation of Behind the Seven Eleven [Sleepxiety] (Teenager AU) from my other book but you don't need to read it to get this.
The skies are sunny here in Florida, and people are happy. Virgil and his boyfriend Remy Lived with his cousin Patton after running away from home. But none of that matters now. All that matters isn't that they're free and happy and they can be who they are. Remy has a good job doing what he wants working under a fashion designer, and Virgil helps out Patton a lot at the animal shelter and at the daycare. Patton really appreciates this because he can't go into the cat room and he is bad with dealing with older kids. In fact, that's where he was right now.
"We're here! Are you going to hang out with the teenagers?"
"Yeah. Imma go hang out with the cool kids, later cuz."
Virgil signed off and walked towards the circle of kids he managed to male friends with. One was a really cool girl with dyed blue hair and a heckin awesome sense of style and her younger brother who had an awesome taste in music and was mega talented on the guitar and makes rad dubstep remixes. Then there's this guy who is a boss at Splatoon and was a tiny smile child with dorky glasses and everybody loves him even though he's sweeter than strawberry cake he's a little oddball misfit who likes emo music and all dat gay shit. Virgil sat down with the kids, stuffing his hand in his hoodie pockets and all three of them greeted him.
"Eyyy it's ya boi Virge. Hey fam!"
"Yoooo it's Virgil! What are the happenings my man?"
"Hi Virgil! Welcome back! Hey, did you check out my newest animation? I thought you'd really love it!"
The three kids instantly began talking to him, telling him about their day and interests and they watched the new animations project that smol child made just for him and his friends. Virgil always had a wonderful time hanging out with these three amazing teenagers and he even let Missy do his nails today. Remy would proabably get jealous but Virgil didn't even care. He was having a good time and so were the kids, ain't that what matters most?
While Virgil was playing with the toddlers and little kids, he heard the jingle of the door of the daycare ring. He quickly made sure to tag another kid and have her run around chasing everyone before he went to desk with the adult. Patton walked over to the front with his normal smile on his face but was surprised to see Virgil's boyfriend Remy standing there! What was he doing here?
"Hey Cuz, do you know where my boyfriend is? Imma spook him."
"Of course! Just down the left hallway second door to the right. He's hanging out with the kids that normally are introverted, so don't scare them too much okay?"
Remy nodded and started making his way down that path. Patton went back to playing with the tiny ones and Remy found his way to the barely opened door. He could hear laughing and more than just three kids in there. Virgil says there's only three teenagers since parents trust them alone at home more, but there's so many voices. And they all were singing a song. Remy could hear ukulele playing. Virgil loves playing his ukulele. Remy smiled and sneaked in, finding kids ranging from maybe age six to age sixteen circled around him and signing a beautiful little song. There was also a guitar in the corner. Must be a kid's.
"🎶Life's too short to worry about things that we got wrong. Soooooooooo hug all your friends. Let them know you're not letting go. No I won't let goooo.🎶"
Remy made his way around and placed his hands on Virgil's shoulders. He let out a screech and nearly dropped his instrument, letting out a huge breath of relief when he saw his boyfriend smiling back at him. Kids laughed and had several questions. There was a chorus of "who's that!?" With an accompaniment of laughter. Virgil held his hand over his fast-beating heart as Remy made room, sitting next to him and planting a kiss on his cheek. He was lucky to be blessed with an adorable boyfriend.
"Relax, Virgil. It's just me. Your boyfriend Remy."
Remy winked at this blue haired girl who was the one person who asked if they were dating. She did the fangirl freakout thing and began shaking someone who looked like her brother, screaming that she knew he was gay and that she has another gay icon in her life. That's culture right there.
"So, what lesson were we preaching before I decided to show up, babes?"
"What? Remy you know I'm not a teacher. We were just signing a few favorite songs of mine. Ya know like 888 and Hey There Delilah and Gone Gone Gone and Hug All Your Friends. Why? Are you going to pretend to be all smart and find a lesson to teach?"
"Ya know it, sis."
Virgil rolled his eyes, leaning his head on his boyfriend's shoulder and letting out a relaxed breath. Remy knows he made his boyfriend's day. He knows even though Virgil won't admit it. Remy grinned and looked out among the kids. This is a cheese fanfiction, there has to be some moral Here. Maybe looking back at their entire backstory and piecing together some lyrics from those four songs he could find a moral. Yeah. After everything they went through to get here, there's a big lesson in their tale. Now, just like old men, it's Remy's turn to pass on what they've learned through life. Sure, he's probably being over dramatic because he's only thirty four. But whatever.
"Listen up to Big Brother Remy here, Childrens. Stay close to the people who love you. The people who actually love you will stay by your side and support your decisions. It's so worth it to seek them out and stay with them rather than some abusive buttholes that you think love you but really don't."
"Oh yeah, speaking of that... don't let anyone treat you like crap. Looking over at you Cherri. You guys deserve to be treated right. And you guys deserve to be with the people who love you."
1050 Words
The lesson is right there in the story. No tea, no shade. Find the people who love you, and I mean really love you, and stick with them.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...