Dodie and Thomas have such good chemistry when singing <3 Their cover of New York, New York and Birds are my favorites! :)
Also I'm in love with Mystic Messenger again. Ray, Jaehee, V, and Zen are my top four. <3
Why was Logan stuck doing all of Roman's errands? He was the one who wanted to do a painting project for his portfolio while having auditions this weekend for the college's theater production WHILE ALSO GOING ON A DATE WITH VIRGIL!!! Logan only took the list and went to the arts and crafts shop on Main Street just to get him to shut up about his whining. Logan had a photography portfolio deadline coming up soon and he needed to get some more pictures. His theme? Didn't matter.
Logan had all the acrylic paints and the large canvas in his cart, also getting the sewing supplies Virgil wanted for whatever, and he was pretty much done with the list. Logan stole Roman's credit card from his wallet before he left for the audition so that Logan wouldn't be paying for all his crap again. Logan was walking down the felt aisle to get something for Virgil when he noticed someone standing right in front of the stuff he needed, mumbling to themself.
"If I get the light blue then I won't be able to buy the yarn I need, but I really want to make the quilt! But... Dee Dee's birthday isn't coming up and I need to make him a gift! But the quilt... I wish I had five more dollars..."
The person was holding a patch of fabric in their hands that looked as though it was super silky, maybe a six inch by six inch square. But Logan peeked at their cart, filled with corcjet needles and other fabric patches and materials similar to something Virgil liked doing, but not quite there. Virgil does sewing, knitting and quilting were very different. The person turned to see Logan standing there dumbfounded. They hurriedly stepped out of the way, lowering their head and talking really fast.
"Oh! I'm sorry! I'm just in your way huh? My bad! Uh, go ahead and get what you need! I don't mind at all!"
"No, don't fret. I don't mind waiting if you needed extra time to reach a decision. ...You mentioned needing an extra five dollars. I'd be happy to aid you with the small amount of extra funds."
"Woah really? You'd help a complete stranger?"
Logan left the answer at that, not knowing entirely why he was offering to help this person financially. It was just a five dollar Bill, surely it wouldn't be a regrettable choice. There was something captivating about this human. Their smile, their freckles, their bouncy brunette hair, their round framed glasses, their eyes sparkling behind the lenses... there was just a sort of innocent beauty about them. The same innocent beauty that Logan had been enchanted with and capturing in his latest portfolio. That's right. The theme of his portfolio was 'Innocent Beauty'. Cliché, he knows. Roman picked the title.
"Well thank you very much! That means I can make the quilt and make my friend his birthday gift! Oh wowie, silly me! I should introduce myself to someone who's offering to help pay for my supplies. My name's Patton! I'm a sophomore at the Sanders College of Fine Arts! It's awesome to meet you!"
"Aha, you're a student at SCFA as well. I am Logan Burnham, I am a junior and a photography student for that very same university. Speaking of which, after we both pay for our supplies I have a favor to ask of you..."
"A favor? Uh, okay. What is it?"
"I wish to take a picture of you. For my portfolio."
Patton froze after Logan said that, in the middle of the aisle. The two took their carts and began walking down to the cash registers, Logan forgetting about the last item or two on the list. Virgil has enough thread he can go without. Roman has enough white paint he can go without another bottle. Logan looked over his shoulder to see Patton with a small frown on their lips. What was wrong? Was that such a ludicrous thing to ask of them?

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...