He Loves Me [Moceit]

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Literally had this idea after making my latest Quotev Quiz lol


One month ago Deceit would have never thought in a million years that Patton would have loved him. He would have never thought his bravado would fall as well as his web of lies he surrounded himself in would collapse just because a cute boy with a precious smile said three simple words. He would have never thought he'd be accepted, however not deemed a hero. Just accepted the fact that he exists by Thomas and the other core sides.

But it's been a month, and things change. Thomas finally believes that nobody can be perfect, like Patton always told him he was. Everybody has dark sides, but those who use and accept those dark sides to do noble things are the true good people. Patton, Thomas, and Roman grew from that. Virgil is a living proof of that. Logan always understood that, though he never was fond of most forms of Deceit... and Deceit himself? Well...

He's happy. But what exactly made him so happy? Was it thr acceptance of the dark sides? Or was it the validation that he actually matters? Those are both nice, however they aren't high on Deceit's mind right now. What truly made him happy was the fact that he was loved. And not a toxic relationship sort of way, in a healthy and affectionate kind of way. It's different from what he used to have, because there's no hate in this love.

"He loves me" Deceit would constantly think to himself just to get a smile. "He loves me and I love him." Those magic words were all Deceit needed. So that's why Deceit finds himself where he is right now. His room was changed from ominous and villainous to something his boyfriend would much prefer: Golden Flowers under the Sunshine. Yeah, there's snakes everywhere and he has a bed in the middle of it, but nothing is perfect.

Deceit closed his eyes, feeling the warm and welcoming sunlight hit his scales and warm his blood. Reptiles are cold blooded after all, so he needs this sunbathing for him to feel alive and happy again. He could feel the light weight of the flower crows stacked on his head and he could hear the rustling of the flowers as Patton did his very best to weave them together. The magic (psychological effect) Of the room allowed the flowers to regrow the second they've been plucked, but with two blooms more than what was lost. It was a hydra effect Deceit knew Patton would adore.

Everything was calm, everything was peaceful, and everything was clear skies ahead. Deceit didn't dare movem knowing that Patton would pout and whine. Why? Because he was stacking flower crowns on his head. The pile was as delicate as a house of cards, so even the slightest movement would cause the entire crowning achievement to topple over. Though Patton wouldn't dare admit that. He'd say his stacking skills are top notch! And Deceit didn't dare correct him.

"He loves me. Deceit thought to himself. "All that matters right now Is that he loves me." Deceit couldn't help but smile, opening his eyes and seeing the blue sky tinted yellow by the big beautiful sun. Deceit lies about what's in his room so nobody else can come in here all the time. This beauty is for Patton and Patton alone. "Maybe I could hold his hand..." Deceit slowly, careful not to move his neck or above, tried to slide his hand back to reach Patton's.

Patton must have noticed, because his hand suddenly got warm at his finger tips. Deceit smiled again, not knowing that Patton began picking up his flower crown he was currently working on. Deceit watched out of the corner of his eyes as Patton sat next to him to hienz left, beaming a smile and plopping down criss cross applesauce. Patton totally didn't get thst childhish trick so stuck in Deceit's head that he uses is unironically. No way!

Patton then began to hum a small song under his breath, working on the flower crown. Deceit wished he knew what song he was humming. That's another cheeky lie, Deceit knew exactly what the song was. He closed his eyes again, feeling Patton parish against his hand every so often to reassure Deceit that he was still there and he still Loved him. Deceit focused on the sunshine again, everything in his body feeling warm and happy.

Deceit peeked an eye open when he felt a shadow overcast. Patton was in front fo him on his knees, standing up on them to reach the very top of the stack on Deceit's Head. He tried to hold in his soft chuckles, but he couldn't. Patton gasped really loud as the flower crows softly fell back into the ground and dissapeared in the golden flowrs, growing back into the room. Patton sat down and frowned. All that hard work for nothing.

Deceit chuckled again, reaching out for Patton. He placed his hand on the side of his beloved's face. Deceit didn't say a word, using his eyes to communicate the truth rather than giving him a set of words that he has to decipher. It's much easier this way, and Patton's understands communications of the heart much easier the communications of the words. He sighed in defeat, smiling and placing his hand over Deceit's. Deceit was right and Patton knew it. They were just flower crowns. They don't matter at all.

Patton got an idea. He picked a flower from the ground and handed it to Deceit. Deceit rose an eyebrow until he finally understood what Patton meant. These flowers look a lot like the Dandelion Blooms, don't they? Patton always loved Dandeloions and making those pointless wishes on them. He also does the 11:11 wishes and the shooting stir wishes. He's so adorable. Deceit smiled, taking the flower and covering with his hand. He counted to three silently and took his hand off, a singular flower becoming a bouquet of dandelions. He handed it to Patton.

"I wish that we can be happy like this forever and ever!"

Patton's voice rang in the silent serenity as he blew on the dandelions, the little seeds spreading everywhere and planting themselves in the ground, more yellow flowers sprouting instantly. Deceit was more focused on the words. Patton wanted this. He wanted him. He wanted to be in a relationship with Deceit unlike everything from his past. Patton scotted bsck over next to him, hand on his fingertips again and leaning his head against Deceit's shoulder. He let out a relaxed sigh.

"I love you, Deceit."

"And I love you even more, Patton. More than Roman loves looking at himself in the mirror~"

"What! That's impossible!"

"But it's true."

Patton laughed, knowing how to depict a lie from the truth in Deceit's tone. Remember, it's all about impulse control. Bad Deceit! Oh, sorry Deceit! He's just kidding. That was a like, however. Patron was right. Nobody could love anyone more than Roman loves his own reflection. He's conceited, but thst doesn't make him a bad person. Patton ended up holding Deceit's hand, entwining their fingers together.

Before long, Patton fell asleep on Deceit's shoulder and soft snores could be heard from him. Deceit just smiled and let himself fall asleep too in the sun. They didn't need to go find the bed, it's practically coated with yellow flowers anyways. They just needed eachother, love, and the sun. "He loves me." Was the last thing Deceit thought before he drifted out of consciousness and entered the world of dreams.

1265 Words

Do you have cavities yet? Because I'm trying to give y'all cavities.

Not every relationship is perfect, both platonic and romantic. Even familial! It's okay to end a relationship if it's Not healthy for you or not doing anything for you. Everybody deserves to find good, healthy relationships that make them happy. If you're in one that doesn't make you happy, then you have every right to leave. Simple as that.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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