Stuck in the Rain [Prinxiety] (NonBinary Pride AU)

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Wow I really need to get güd and start writing for real. I've been reallt sucky recently and y'all deserve better. Sorry.

A friend of mine from Instagram at BluePenEmoji gave me this prompt! The are such A happy queen supportive person I love them! 


Virgil grimaced to themself as they stood in the rain under the sad excuse for a sheltered bus stop. Water dripped through the roof and splashed on the top of Virgil's head. They didn't like it one bit, Sam I Am, no ma'am. They hugged themself in their hoodie, which wasn't water proof, and just stood there waiting for the bus. They needed to get home and get in some nice warm clothes, but they doubted that their roommate would be awake enough to open the door for them and they had forgotten their house keys. They just prayed for the best to whatever god they believe in.

Virgil looked over to their side to see someone with prominent masculine features running with no umbrella, holding some sort of book over their head to shield themself from the onslaught of water bullets from the sky. Just as they halted promptly under the small structure that the local government insisted be placed at every bus stop, a loud crack of thunder roared. They jumped a bit, but tried laughing it off. Virgil could see the title of the book: it was a hard cover writing journal with little stickers and stuff glued on. It's a miracle none fell off. Well, that's what they assumed.

"Wow, I'm lucky I made it in time huh? I guess the bus didn't quite make it yet, considering the fact you're here. My name's Roman, strictly he/him pronouns please, it's charming to meet you."

Virgil was surprised at how forward this man was, and how he immediately said his pronouns upon introduction. Not many people do that. Virgil weakly smiled, already feeling happy upon meeting this stranger. It's not every day you find someone inclusive like this in real life. Virgil awkwardly stuck out their hand, making a choice and being too lazy and anxious to take it back now. Whelp, time to commit. It's not like there's any stakes, yeah? It's just a cliché fanfic written by a fifteen year old touch starved teenager who never had her first kiss and will probably never dare anyone. No big deal. 

" 'Sup Roman, I guess. The name's Virgil. My friends normally call me Virge, or they would if I had any. Strictly they/them pronouns for me, chief."

Virgil watched as Roman laughed, shaking their hand happily. He was taller than them, with broader shoulders and a defined jawline. Then a crack of lightning and a roar of thunder ruined the moment, Roman being startled and jumping a little bit. He whipped his head around only to realize it was the sky that gave him a spook. Oh my god this guy was a huge dork. Virgil felt their heart pound inside of their chest. Was this love at first sight? Because Virgil would've sworn that didn't exist. 

As of the timing was written to be perfect, the bus rolled up to the stop to shelter the pair from the rain. Roman gestured for Virgil to go ahead. Virgil nodded politely and noticed how cramped the bus was. The first seat they found was at the very front next to a window. Roman plopped down next to him. The seats were like those on a school bus: conjoined with two to a seat and there's no seatbelts. Virgil leaned against the window, watching the rain. They didn't need to turn their head to know that Roman was doing the same thing, both of them zoning out.

Virgil's phone went off, on vibrate, and they checked it. Their roommate was legit wishing them best of luck finding a place to stay tonight. Virgil groaned, good mood instantly ruined. Little did they know that Roman would make it all  better again. Roman read the message over their shoulder and couldn't help but smile, wanting to make this human's day better. So Roman tapped on Virgil's shoulder to get their attention.

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