I will always always ALWAYS love Analogical. It's two introverted Boiz learning and doing their best for eachother and we stan that. It was also my first chartered Sanders Sides Fic that was actually halfway decent. :)
There's a new thing that the Sinnoh Region is trying. There's a new Battle Tower That has been built by Barry, the son of the creator of the first battle tower, and everyone who leads the battle tower is a kid rather than an adult. He had been champion for, like, three days and he is the best Pokémon trainer ever according to some: including Logan. Why? Because Barry was the first person who didn't care if Logan was NonBinary as long as they were a powerful trainer. So Logan had become one of Barry's A-Team at the top of the tower.
But Logan shares their spot as the second highest frontier in the tower. See, Logan's boyfriend is here too. He's a dark type master but he dabbles in ghost and Poison types to give him some variety and to make sure that fairy types don't entirely whoop his ass. Logan and Virgil both make up effective strategies for each trainer that meets them and fsces them in their double battle format. They use double battles to throw off challengers before they get to meet Barry. The most amazing part is that Barry's fifteen, Virgil's thirteen, and Logan's fourteen. Kids rule this world WOO!!!
"Hey Lo, do you think we can try to throw Honchrow back into the action? He's kinda lagging in levels and my boy is itching for a battle."
Virgil was sitting on the table Logan was sitting in, at the back room in of their frontier. It acted as their breakroom. Their bedroom is further back along with a small kitchen area. They don't like to leave much being the mega introverts they are. Glaceon was resting in Logan's lap as they were writing down the rotation for the teams based on the trainer's starting Pokémon. They weren't always traditional Sinnoh starters so they had to plan for each type.
"Honchcrow? Of course. He can be the second main as well as Umbreon for you. As always, Umbreon and Glaceon are going to finish off every time. Honchrow can Ben your base unless you have type disadvantage and I can have Amoura go in for me. The last Pokémon is rotated throughout, but based on the type matchups your Gengar will get quite a workout."
"Heck Yeah! That sounds so great! I'm so ready for the battles the anticipation is killing me! Wait, shit, have you seen Umbreon? She and I were working on a thing earlier and I kinda wanna get it finished with her."
"The last time I spotted your partner she was in our room, dragging a small bag of skinny markers with her teeth. Is there something I should be concerned about? Based on that giant grin on your face the answer would be no. I see. Go on, I'm sure you will tell me soon enough. Glaceon and I will continue working on strategy and type matchups."
Virgi, slid off the table and nearly ran to the bedroom. How peculiar. Virgil normally hates running, he's far to slothish and sluggish. Logan ignored it for now, for they had work they were preoccupied with. Glaceon hopped off their lap and sat on the notebook. Oh? Glaceon? What do you want young man? Logan smiled as he let out a happy little yip, his icy breath nipping at the tip of their nose. He always does that when he feels rather playful.
"Oh? Whatever seems to be up with you it is a very good thing, Glaceon. Do you wish to play? I'm sure this can wait if that is what you want."
Glaceon took Logan's pen into his mouth and then he started rushing in the direction that both Logan's boyfriend and Glaceon's girlfriend went. Oh, so he wanted them to follow him didn't he? Logan sighed, standing up and pushing in their chair. Logan never liked those active games.
Logan knocked on the door Glaceon slipped into and there was quiet muttering on the other side. Perhaps they didn't hear Logan knock, so they knocked again. Once again, they were ignored. Maybe Logan's should just grab another pencil and continue to work? It would require much less effort then calling through the crack in the door to get Virgil's attention. Logan was just about to turn around when the door opened slightly. Virgil? What are you planning you devious little dark type master?
"Logan, we have a surprise for you~"
Logan was confused until both Glaceon and Umbreon rushed out of the room carrying a large paper, maybe 10x24 inches in demension, that has been collages with photographs and construction paper and glittery glue. Logan noticed the coloration of every picture used wasn't made into the NonBinary flag. Logan felt their heart swell up with warmth and pride. They pressed their lips into a thin line to try and prevent the inevitable smile. Resistance is futile, Logan, just smile already! Virgil worked really hard on this little art project just for you!
"I know your birthday and NonBinary day and Pride Month is a little far off from now but I really felt like making you something. You know how I can get sometimes when I'm suddenly inspired to do something. So, uh, yeah. This is for you. I love you Lo."
Logan crouched down and took the gift from the two Eeveelutions, who each got some scratched behind the ear in praise for their assistance. Logan looked over each of the four segments. The entire yellow segment was the two of them with their Pokémon, the white section being Logan before coming out, the purple being the two of them together romantically back when they traveled together, and the black is Logan now after completely transitioning an dgetting tip surgery. It was absolutely spectacular, wonderful, gorgeous, and meaningful. To be honest, Logan felt like they were going to cry.
"Virgil, you did this for me?"
"Of course. Read the back. It's cheesy I know but I thought you'd find it cute or whatever."
Logan turned the collage to the back to see words written in navy blue and eggplant purple. You are the Glaceon to my Umbreon. I love you Logan, always and forever. You're the best and only significant other I will ever have. Wow that is the most dorkily cliché thing Logan had ever read in their life, but they loved it. They handed the collage back to the two lovely Pokémon, who took it back into the bedroom probably to hang it up, and Logan took the small twink-sized boy with belly chub into their arms for a warm and loving embrace. He's the best boyfriend Logan will always have, and forever have. Virgil's the best.
"Virgil, thank you. I am ignorant to why you have given me such a delightful gift but regardless you have my gratitude. I, erm, I love you."
Logan's not the kind of enby to use that phrase abundantly, so it undoubtedly made Virgil feel very special and validated to hear it from his significant other. Glaceon and Umbreon came back to see their trainers hugging and they did a little Eeveelution brofist kind of deal. And everyone was happy. The end.
1230 Words
Okay so I have a crush on this guy on Instagram. I have a meme account for Cavetown and he's really cool. I haven't heard his voice or seen his face but we've been talking for like a week now. We both started a new animal crossing town together and we're thinking about being NUZLOCKE rivals in a Pokémon game and I'm really excited. I really like him smh.
Okay sorry for no advice I gotta check animal crossing them go through my Pokémon games and I wanted to write stuff for another fandom and in my trans pride Royality book. I love all of you!
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...