I've been having a really bad emotional rollercoaster of a day so... let's tey to cheer myself up.
Abrosexual- sexual orientation fluxiuating depending on the cercumstances. Kind of like Genderfluid but for sexuality. Same for romanticism when Abromantic is used. Let me know if I represented this correctly! :)
In this, Patton is more Abromantic than anything.
"Do you honestly think you're a better kisser than me?"
Roman challenged hands on his hips while he was raising his eyebrow. Patton was very giggly and cuddly and flirty today. Maybe today was a day where he felt an overwhelming attraction towards him romantically. Patton rolled his eyes and nodded, stopping from blowing on his fingernails to make them dry. He was painting them pink and green as Pride for his sexuality :) Abrosexuals and Abromantics are super valid! <3
"Yep! Kisses aren't just on the lips, love, and I've been told I'm the best!"
Roman scoffed, not believing it. He glanced at Patton's nails. They look dry. Patton looked over to them and tested them with the corner of the paper he was using as a placemat since he's messy with nail polish. He was dry! He smiled and stuck the heart rhinestones on his ring fingers before springing up out of the desk chair, walking up to his boyfriend. They stared eachother in the eye, both taking the challenge. Roman finally smirked and breathed out the words:
"Prove it."
And now the challenge had begun! The rules were unspoken, but they both played the game. They always play the game similar to this when Patton was having a day of extreme attraction and love and stuff. Roman absolutely loved it, but he loved Patton any day no matter what. Patton started, getting on his tippie toes and pressing a quick peck on Roman's nose, leaving him wanting more. He knows he can't just go for the kill now, so he needed to think of a plan.
Roman got one! He craned his neck down and pressed a tender kiss on Patton's forehead. Ha! Now he can't use that move anymore! Patton beamed from the attention, then he lost his sunny disposition when he realized he couldn't use that kind of kiss anymore. Patton shrugged, figuring they were just getting rid of the really common ones. He jumped up and gave Roman a long exaggerated kiss on the cheek, giggling. Now that all the obvious ones were out of the way, the couple now had the ability to be creative.
"Your move, Darling!"
"Give me a second, Kitten. I have to think~"
Roman thought, tapping his finger against his chin. What kind of kiss could he use without touching his mouth? Because the first to kiss the other on the mouth lost. Whoever did the most obvious of all things at the end of one of these games lost. That's how the two of them liked to play: lovingly and creatively. Oh, and dangerously. We, too, love to live dangerously. Roman got an idea and smirked, leaning down.
Roman lifted Patton's cheek up to his face and he batted his eyelashes against it. Patton gasped when he realized that Roman used one of his favorite bugs against him: the Butterfly Kiss. Roman laughed as his boyfriend puffed his cheeks out in annoyance. Patton then walked around behind Roman and then kissed his shoulder. It's his modified version of a Tiger Kiss because Patton doesn't really like biting at all. Roman's not a masochist guy either. This gave Roman her idea to pull Patton back around by the wrist and he pressed a long, wholesome, innocent kiss to his neck. A modified vampire kiss between the two since they both hate biting.
Now Patton was put in the situation where he doesn't know what kind of kiss he should do next! Ha! Patton sighed and leaned up on his toes, kissing Roman's lips. The two kisses passionately, fireworks exploding behind them. Roman held on to Patton and refused to let go until he was done. Which he? Both. Because we stan consent in this household. The two broke apart with Patton's eyes fluttering open to see a smug snickering Roman.
"I win."
650 Words
Again, I'm sorry. I had a really bad day and I'm really stressed and tired with the school adding s bunch of new tech and websites for no apparent reason.
Advice? Have fun in your relationship I guess. Idk. I'm brain dead and Christine is my queen and I love her. Marry me.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanficReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...