This was my favorite ship when my obsession started and still is one of my favorites.
Also I started a writing contest for my two thousand followers milestone! The rules are in my a/n book (The Pandemonium of Remus Hisahoshi) or you can find the link on my message board! I'd ADORE it if you participated! :)
Virgil practically lived on the trains. They were a young nineteen year old enby kicked out of their house with nowhere else to go. Sometimes people offered them spare change in a small jar they kept with them at al times and offered them snacks. The conductor always gives them a little something for dinner so they don't starve to death: like a pack of Hawaiian Bread, an apple, some store brand water, and maybe a small pack of skittles if they were lucky. It was hard to live, but they were too scared of the pain to commit die. So this is just how Virgil skimmed by.
Virgil never wakes up this early, but apparently they did. It was one of the early morning trains: the first train to the Kennedy Space Center. So Virgil used the spray deodorant they've had for far too long and wore their oversized, kind of dirty hoodie from their teen years they never quite grew out of and they at in a seat so the conductor doesn't yell at them again for walking around whenever the train was moving. Just as Virgil, the antisocial hobo, sat down a sturdy looking person with glasses and a necktie took the last seat available next to them. Who knew early morning trains were just as busy as the noon ones?
The person must've noticed the jar barely in their grasp, for they took a wallet out of their little tote bag and slipped a dollar bill and a few spare coins, all silver in luster. No pennies. Was Virgil staring at them and thats why the glasses person assumed they were waiting on money? Oh great no way he just seems rude. You done messed up Virgil! Now you gotta actually socially interact with someone of the working class!
"Oh, uh, hey sorry for seeming like a beggar. Uh, jeez I messed that up. I didn't mean to stare I was just... I really like your necktie."
Really like your necktie? Come on Virgil you actual flop of a human being! Virgil mentally scolded themself and slapped their forehead. Coulda had a V8! The person didn't seem phased, nor did they have any facial reaction. Huh, weird. Maybe this person is just dead inside like Virgil. That or just doesn't care. They expected no response, but they got one. Huh, weird.
"I see, uh, thank you for the compliment on my apparel. I adore the necktie fashion, for it gives of a serious tone to my appearance and goes well with my glasses."
Virgil weakly smiled awkwardly, sitting back in their chair. So they didn't make this person hate their guts. That kinda brings up their self esteem. The train suddenly stopped. Oh, was this the stop? Virgil completely forgot how close Kennedy was to the most recent stop. Virgil found themself in an empty train car once more, just like always when the route finished. They sighed to themself and slumped down in the chair. Ya'know, that had to be the first time anyone has ever talked to them before. Virgil kinda liked it. That person was kinda cool.
Maybe... they could talk again tomorrow morning?
Virgil woke up excitedly, knowing that the Last Stop of the First Train to Kennedy was just around the corner of the next block. They threw on their jacket and blew their bangs out of their eyes. They walked into the car, ignoring everyone staring at the dirty homeless enby, and they slumped down in their seat. They waited patiently for the train to stop at the train stop. Once the train halted, Virgil tried to hide the fact they were excitedly looking for the necktie person from yesterday.
Wow, they were wearing practically the same exact thing. A navy blue geometrically patterned necktie and a white dress shirt, slicked back hair and rectangular framed glasses. They carried a couple of books in their arms and sat down right next to Virgil again with a nod of acknowledgement towards them. It was only know that Virgil had no idea what they wanted to say to them...
"So, uh, what's your name? And your pronouns? Sorry if you don't wanna talk to me and that wasn't just a one time thing but... yeah. Name and pronouns?"
"Logan, he/him, and you? Apologies for not offering a polite handshake, my hand so are full with these research books for my latest assignment."
"Virgil, But if I had friends they'd call me Virge~ heh, that was really bad. They/Them Pronouns for me."
Wow that was so bad. Virge? Where did that come from?! Oh well. So his name is Logan? That's cool. It's nice to put a name to a face. Makes you feel less weird about having a fondness to a person when you actually know their name and pronouns. Virgil stuffed their hands in their pockets and glanced out the window to their left. Wait, already? No! They frowned and felt the train halt once more. Why did the space center have to be so close to the last stop? Or was it that the train was too fast? Who cares. Logan stood up, his books secured in his arms.
"I suppose I will see you tomorrow morning, Virgil. Auf Wiedersehen."
With a slight bow, he stepped of the train. Was that German? Huh, neat. Virgil watched the train car grow empty once more. It finally hit them after two days of talking to a person after they haven't talked to a person like that for three years: they don't wanna live like this. They don't want to be a gremlin sleeping in the conductor's car or the train. They don't want to die homeless and alone. But they have no job, no food, no way of making money outside of this train. How can they ever make their life better? They really can't. Not on their own.
But Logan is a nice distraction from that...
"So how old are you anyways, Virgil?"
"Nineteen!? And as previously stated you were abandoned at sixteen. No wonder you look so malnourished! I will not stand for this. I have been pondering while at work and I know for a fact I simply cannot let your human potential go to waste for such a nonsensical reason as your gender does not align with your birth sex, like your religious parents have decided for some apparent reason. When I get back on the train after work today, I want you to come home with me."
Virgil was waiting after the conversation this morning. It came out of nowhere, Logan starting the conversation the second he sat down next to Virgil on the third day of knowing one another. On the last train from Kennedy, Virgil looked up and saw a very tired man in a navy blue necktie with glasses slightly askew on the bridge of his nose. He met eyes with Virgil and gave him a small smile.
"Ready to go home?"
"Then we shall go."
1200 Words
If your parents are so shallow to threaten disownment just because your gender doesn't align with your birth sex or you aren't sexually attracted to the opposite sex then can they really be called your parents? Well, biologically yeah, but they aren't your family parents. Family is the people who love you unconditionally, and that... that's not love. I'll be your dad. I'll be the dad you deserve. So will Patton if you want him to be. We'll be your family.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...