Okay you can't listen to that song and tell me it doesn't sound like it came out of Mary Poppins Returns because it has the sAME VIBE AS LOVELY LONDON SKY!!! LIKE HELLO???
"It looks gorgeous on you!"
The happy salesboy slipped the bright colored gemstone on the pale boy's ring finger on his right hand. The boy wore nothing but dark clothes and had bags under his eyes so darknone would mistake them for Gucci. Why would this boy try to sell him one of the most colorful rings he had ever seen? Virgil rose an eyebrow at this boy, who just smiled as he secured the ring. It was a tiny bit too big for his finger, and he noticed it. However he didn't stop smiling. He just slipped the ring off and apologized.
"I must've picked out a size too big. I'm really sorry for that, sir! If you follow me in the store I'm sure we have a ring just perfect for you! You seem like a total Libra to me, and Libras normally are Peridot or Citrine! A Peridot ring would look gorgeous on you!"
How does one look like a certain zodiac sign??? Virgil didn't question the boy. He let him drag him into the small jewelry shop by the wrist and go over to a specific little section thst had birthstone rings, necklaces, and earrings galore. He didn't have the heart to tell the guy he was a Sagittarius and that he was born in December. He looked at the ring and then picked out another one slightly different. The band was silver rather than gold and little blue stones shone next to the large olive green one. Virgil must admit... it was a very pretty ring.
"Here you are! Now let's try putting this on your finger!"
The boy asked for Virgil's hand again, which he awkwardly gave him. The ring slipped on and stuck, fitting perfectly on his slim skeleton fingers. Virgil took his hand back, moving it around so he could watch the lights catch on the gemstones. Virgil never was a jewelry guy, but this ring sure was beautiful. It made Virgil smile a little bit. The boy saw this and rejoiced, having done a good job.
"Wowie, it looks like you like it! Is there any way I can convince you to buy it? Or maybe just hear your voice? You haven't said a word yet and I'm kinda curious..."
Virgil hasn't said a word? Oh that's a little jolt of anxiety. He felt his face flush and he averted his eyes from the ring in shame. Virgil felt his pals grow sweaty, arms weak legs heavy, mom's spaghetti. The boy was standing on the balls of his feet, waiting for Virgil to say something. That's a big oof right there. Can Virgil get an F in the chat? Wow, this entire paragraph was a joke. Just like Virgil's life. Eyyyyyyyyy!
"Oh, uh, I'm sorry. I, err, don't have much money. Rings are really expensive. I don't really have much money other than maybe one fifty in my pocket and I kinda need some for lunch today. I'm real sorry, uh... I don't know your name sorry."
"Oh! I'm such a klutz silly me! I never told you my name! I'm Patton and I use he/him pronouns! And one hundred is fine for the ring! It's, uh, not that expansive since the band is made of a cheaper matieral and Peridots aren't normally the gemstone most people go for when buying jewelry. Everyone wants diamonds and sapphires so those prices are wayyyyy higher. So don't worry! It's only maybe a hundred fifteen. Burn I can drop that to a hundred ten if you really need it to!"
Virgil stared at this boy. He was almost desperate. He even clarified his pronouns. Wow, Virgil felt like a terrible person for assuming this kid was a boy with he/him pronouns for from the begining. Never assume someone's pronouns, kids. You don't want to accidentally hurt them and trigger their dysphoria. Virgil sighed, looking at the ring. It really was super pretty on his hand. Then again, hot topic was having a sale! He really wanted to hit that store before he left the mall! But the ring was so pretty...
"You don't have to if you don't want to. I'm sorry for being super hyper. I don't even know if Peridot is your birthstone. I'm just... I'm brand new to this job and my dad wants me to take over the store and... I'm awfully sorry stranger."
Virgil looked up from his thoughts to see the guy with his hands behind his back, bowing his head in shame. Was this a business tactic to make him pity Patton and buy the ring? Nah, the kid seemed very genuine about it. Virgil smiled out of compassion and rested his hand, his left hand not his right, in the dude's shoulder. He looked up. The sorrowful puppy dog eyes he gave made it clear that he wasn't lying. Why would someone so seemingly sweet and innocent lie to him like that? Besides, it is a very pretty ring... He can always wait for next month to get a different sale.
"Hey, no worries. I'll take it. Oh, and the name's Virgil. My friends call me Virge. And, uh, I also use the he/him pronouns as well. Just thought I should throw it out there. You seem like a really good guy and the ring is really nice..."
"Is it you're birthstone?"
"Nah, But I never cared for that stuff anyway. Don't stress yourself out too muc about it, Patton. I really like it and I do want to buy it. And, oh gosh this is going to sound really awkward and cliché but bear with me, I woudln't mind being your friend? Like, you said about taking over this store or something and that's must be really stressful so I don't mind listening and talking to you If you want to."
Virgil realized how much this was like a movie scene or one of those commercials companies out on Christmas about a sweet moment between two people but their entire relationship is centered around a product. It felt like one of those. I think we all know what gum commercial that the author is trying to reference here. And if you don't... go watch some Finebros YouTuber's react. I think Thomas and Joan were in that episode. If not it had to be MatPat and Stephanie. Oh, and don't even bother fixing the fourth wall. It's too far gone at this point.
"Yeah, I'd really like that. You said you needed to buy dinner? Well, uh, my shift is almost over and then Dad will take over the Shop. I wouldn't mind going to the food court and getting some of the Hawaiian Girll with you..."
Okay this kid was flipping adorable. Virgil coudlnt help but smile. Heh, it was almost like a date. That's really gay, but so Is Virgil so he loved it! He never expected one of those outgoing salesmen that you see luring people into their shops at a mall to end up going on a dinner date with him. AND convincing him to buy a ring too! Again, Virgil was never a big jewelry guy. But this boy right here had him sold!
"Yeah, let's go to Hawaiian Grill. Um, I mean after I pay for this ring of course. It's really lovely."
"Yeah, it looks like the sparkle in your eyes! That's why I picked it out for you!"
Damn, haven't even been on the first date and he's alresdy flirting. Virgil scoffed and rolled his eyes, getting a giggle out of Patton. Is this what soulmates are? Because Virgil was pretty sure this was how soulmates met. It felt like fate, destiny, or a young teenage fangirl writing a crappy story to get them in the same place and fall in Love way too quickly with many plot holes and non-descriptive Words about the situation. Virgil looked around to see a fourth wall, but none was there. He couldn't see an audience either. That should be proof enough that this was real life, not just a fanfiction.
Wow, this was a nice turn of events.
1380 Words
Drat, I'm shy of my new target word count! I need to be writing 1500 Words! There's no way I'm going to improve if I don't make longer, better stories!
But yeah, the advice for today is to try your best and learn to be proud of what you accomplish. It may be small, but every accomplishment is something you've done and should be something you're proud of. If you tried your best, no matter the outcome, you have done something you should be happy about.
Internet hugs and blow kisses!

Sanders Sides Boiz Oneshot REPRISE
FanfictionReborn, rebirthed, re-brought-into-this-world. Hello my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Welcome back to Evangeline Hisahoshi's oneshots Of fluffy gay goodness with sometimes a slight hint of something sadder. I am here to try and make your day and n...